February 11, 2014

Fantastic Adventures

So Noche De Hogar.. or for you gringos... family night. So we were in a part of town called Arco Iric.. or Rainbow and we must have been lost because the bus didn't come.  So I look at my tiny little companion and tell her that we are going to have to use what we've been learning in the mornings.  She's like what faith... and i was like.. no it's what we learn before the studies... we have to run. 

Our area is just hills and i mean HILLS, so we tighten our backpacks and just start booking it up one hill and then the next and then the next and then we start running down a hill until we get to the taxis. I knew we had to make it to our family night activity that we planned and we couldn't be late.  So after missing our bus and 20 minutes of sprinting with our scriptures we were able to make it to the taxi.  We were able to share a lesson with him..(the taxi driver) and make it to our family night. Let me just tell you that my companion is the best, because I'm not sure others would have done what we did. .. and I know that the lord blessed us with the promise of run and not faint and walk and not be weary. haha. This was really fun and super exciting.

Adventure number 2... So we go to visit a less active that is now being reactivated. This family is just so awesome.  When we get there we climb up the stairs to get to their house and we knock and knock and the door cracks open like an inch and a deep man's voice says.What do you want?  And I was like it's us the missionaries. He said, well the Sanchezes aren't home. So then I said ok, fine then what's your name. He said Juan.  Then I asked what are you doing here? He was like I'm watching the house. My companion at this point was like this is weird!  The door isn't opened and the voice sounds creepy but i was like no let's baptize this guy.  So I ask where the family is and he's like gone and I was like but I just saw their kids at the church.. this is when I started knowing something was fishy. So then I said where do you live?  I want to teach you about Jesus Christ and the voice gets angry and is like I told you they aren't home. My comp is like lets go but I'm like one moment something isn't right, don't worry.. and then the man yells do you want to see me in my underwear! and the door FLYS open and my comp in less than a minute moves from one side to the next and flies down the stairs and I'm just watching her run all in a matter of seconds I turn back around and I hear bursts of laughter and I see Hermana Sanchez just dying laughing. I was like oh my and my comp just about died.
 I think it would've been a funny story seeing a guy in his undies but I think her trick was something even funnier especially because of my companions reaction. If y'all  can think of ways that we can get her back it would be much appreciated. hah.

Ok family, ready for miracle number one.. We did it. we reached our goal and we had 80... I repeat 80 lpes. One of the miracles of this lpe is that we went to visit a girl who is in a wheelchair. This was our first time to visit her and she was one of the people that we just had talked to on the street. So we get to her house and we just start talking and the spirit was so thick you could cut it with a knife... it was really just incredible. We were talking as prompted by the spirit and as we started talking about baptism but before we can invite her to be baptized she says.. i want to be baptized. I would really like that. i was like in three weeks we have a baptism would you be baptized this day and she was like yes, I will.  I  know that this is true. This just reaffirmed to me that the Lord has prepared people and we just have to open our mouths and he will help us find them. So always just share little gospel truths with everyone because you never know where it might lead.

This sunday we have a baptism and we are so excited because she's so great! Her name is Lucia and she's just radiant and so excited about the gospel. 

I went to San Jose on Tuesday and got two huge suprises. one a package from Becca McCord and two a package from my poppy and of course everyone else back at home. I'm so lucky to have such amazing friends and family. I loved my valentines present and i have been very good with self control because I haven't worn my new outfit yet. I got to spend time with Hna Starke and that was totally fun. And oh yeah one of the new elders... had a teacher... and his teacher was Bethany Kimokeo. My cousin in Hawaii! Sweet! hah. 

Okay well thats all!! I love y'all lots. Thanks for the support and the love and the examples that you give me. Y'all are the best!! 

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