February 24, 2014

We be crazzy

Okay so my new comp is amazing. We both have the same energy to work and to do all that we can to help this ward grow and to help people change there lives and really come unto Christ. 

So heres the deal. I have been studying a lot about sacrifice and how sacrifice brings us blessings.. so i have been thinking what does sacrifice mean then? After much study I have learned that sacrifice is doing something that costs you something. Sometimes that means losing or exchanging something you want for something that is more in accordance with the Lords will and what He wants.  So this week after much talk with my comp. we decided we needed to make some changes and sacrifice something.  
So after much thought and prayer we decided to put my theory to the test.  And we decided to sacrifice sleep. So, this week we have been getting up at 4:30 so that we could have the ability to work more and get more done. as we made this change the first day. we had so much energy. Even the days that followed we had extra energy. So we knew that the lord was blessing us. with this blessing we were able to see and be apart of SO many miracles!! 

We have been able to start teaching more than 30 new people about the gospel in just this week. And we have been able to help 12 of them decide on a date to be baptized. I am so excited beccause they will be changing their lives with just simple steps of reading praying and keeping the commandments.

I am the most excited and grateful for the opportunity to teach Lucia. She got baptized yesterday and I have never seen someone so happy and full of light at their baptism. As we were singing the musical number she started tearing up and then as she got out from the font she was crying and I asked her what she felt and she was like I don't know. It just feels so good. I don't know how I can feel better than right now in this moment. This girl is now helping all 6 members of her family change and decide to be baptized. Shes just incredible.

So my comp is the best!  We did facials and we got all pretty. She convinced me to buy my new shoes... they were 10 mil or 20 dollars which is cheap here.. but i did it because it was my valentines present and I really needed shoes for church that are pretty. They aren't just pretty but really comfy. best decision of my life. hahaha. Happy Birthday to me. hah.

Okay so we went to the interview with the elders for Lucia's baptism and we walked 1 hr to get there.. us running.. because it was all up hill and we wanted to show the elders that we could do everything they did even though they were saying it was too far for sisters. haha. It was a blast. 

today was chequeo de mes. It was really really fun. i met a missionary that is really really really good friends with dads cousin who worked at snow college.

This is the true church. We had a lot of lessons with people that wanted to fight and argue and all I said every time was my testimony that I know that Christ has restored HIS church to the earth today and that we have a prophet and apostles who have HIS power.  We then left because the spirit doesn't work with contention.

Well there were lots of miracles this week. I would like it if you could keep David, Erica, Lillian, and Marylin in your prayers.   They should all be baptized on the 2nd of March for dads birthdayyy. : ))

This week just try and sacrifice a little and you will see miracles as you put the natural man behind you and begin to put your will in line with the Lords will. I cant believe how time is flying! AWWHEHAHADKSFJADFJ! Thats how I feel ..... a mess of words and feelings. haha.  Anyways. I love you to the moon and back.  Thanks for all you do and all you are.

I love you all!!!  Maddi 

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