February 4, 2014

Perfect First Week

We went and picked up my little baby newbie Colombian on Tuesday. President said she was really awesome and a hard worker so i'm like FINALLY someone like me. hahah. jk.. she's better.... but only by a little bit. haha. jk. anyways, so Tuesday we spent a lot of the time in the office because we went and I got to have my interview with pres. I love these interviews because they are so amazing and because they really make my life. He talked to me and helped me feel good about having to be on my own training in a HUGE area... that is nothing like Santa Cruz. So that was really awesome. We got back and started our hard work.

There's this thing called LPE.. lecciones para encontrar. or lessons in order to find. They are really easy to do if both missionaries are doing them. It's basically just talking to people and the goal is to do 10 every day.Well I've never heard of a missionary meeting the goal of 70 a week. I've heard of a high being 30-40.. so me and my comp.. starting on Wednesday decided that since its a fresh start why not. So we end up talking to EVERYONE and I mean everyone whether they want it or not. We knock on the doors of huge houses and we talk to everyone that we see and with this there is the promise that you will find new investigators... well this week we have found 3 new families!! And they are all married and we were able to get 22 new investigators (from just Wednesday to Saturday) hah. It was amazing.The Lord really blessed us. I know that talking to everyone,will help you find the people God has prepared for the message of the restoration.

My comp is Hermana Zapata.. she's awesome! she's bubbling and loves to work. She is 23 and she makes fun of my Spanish and its cool because i make fun of her too. Shes teeeny tiny. and she's just the most adorable thing. She's got 7 brothers and sisters so that's always really fun and its a blast getting to train her! She's gonna be a rockstar leader right after her training. So there is a thing you say to get into a house its Ope- its like the doorbell.. well there's also the word Tuanis... which means cool. so these words are only here in Costa Rica so i was trying to explain them to her and she goes up to a house and yells as loud as she can TUANIS!! and i just died laughing it was so funny. 

So We got to finish the elders work in this area and got to see Ruth be baptized this past Sunday. It was beautiful and with her baptism and teaching her we've been able to put fechas for 6 of her relatives and they are all getting baptized on the 16th. it'll be a white Sunday. Ruth is one incredible girl! It was a perfect end to the perfect first week here.

Okay so we are teaching a guy who's a little special. I think he has autism or something but at the end i was like, "When can we see you again?" and he said as serious as possible.. In the reincarnation........ i died. my comp couldn't hold it in and left laughing/crying and I had to make up a lie for why she walked away so that he didn't feel bad. but he'll be baptized on the 16th as well.

We got lost so much this week, but every time we got lost we were able to find people. It was so incredible that all accepted the challenge to be baptized. It was an incredible tender mercy.

My area is so beautiful. and my hot showers are so great! They aren't like hot but they're like real american hot showers. Also I get to see hna Stroud every morning as we get up at 5:30 and go to our private stadium.... haha. It is so beautiful! and I love it. I get to do the 20 min. interval run and then i get to do push ups and abs and I get to really work out in the perfect climate in the perfect field with super awesome comps.. wanna here the best story.. I DOUBLE lapped my comp.... hahahaha. i'm getting into such great shape here. not just with working out in the morning but all we do is climb hills and walk up steep streets. hah. its great. and my cook, she's great and we actually eat really yummy healthy food. haha. 

Today we went to this awesome WATERFALL!!!  and we went with some members and with a menos activo. HE SAID HE'D COME TO CHURCH! so that was awesome. and it was just so beautiful. i'm in the best area seeing SO many miracles and I'm so grateful.

This is the good life. I love the mission. I love the work of the Lord. 

Lets just say that when I got to call and report my numbers, no one. .I mean everyone.. was thinking that we were going to have some awful or just below average numbers for the week. When i called in the district leader was like----- whatttt----- you just dropped an atomic bomb.. (So I could get a big head) but the thing is i don't think it matters who the missionary is, if there obedient they can be an instrument in the hands of the lord and i know that this is only possible through the lord.  I love that I just get to apart of this work and help people in there lives...

Alma 26. 

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