January 14, 2014

Long Story

okay so this is going to take a while to explain but it needs to be done and that's all i'm going to talk about in this email.

 Ana and Lupe.
Okay so we´ve been going through a really rough time with them lately. In the past few weeks we´ve almost dropped them like three times Because Ana just kept trying to push us away. She did this with getting angry at us for stupid stuff, or asking stupid questions just to try to prove that this isn't the true church or just stuff like that... but every time we try to drop them.. I can't. I just can't do it. I can't because I KNOW that they are going to get baptized and I know that they are ready and that they just are missing something.. so On Sunday I fasted for them.. and really was focusing on them, studying for them and praying with all my heart for them. I know that Ana has been praying and asking if these things are true and that she just hasn't received or maybe that she hasn't recognized her answer yet... so I was really focusing on that part because if she could just get an answer she wouldn't need to wait to be baptized or need to question about stupid unimportant stuff. So after stressing about that for days after days. we made a plan.. that we'd talk about the apostasy just one more time.. and help her with that. So we got out the video called The Great Apostasy and we were starting to show that and it was like the enemy was trying to ruin everything. because at every second there was a distraction for her.. her phone, her kids, her husband.. everything and she was missing all the parts that just tell her what she need to hear specifically.. .so i'm stressing and finally she says something and i'm like no we're going to rewind it so you can understand what going on. So we watch the video and after that point when we rewound it she was completely focused and then her husband Lupe entered and we were just all focused on the spirit and what the lord would have us say. so then she starts asking questions again. and i stop her and I tell her (not loud or rude) but with the power and authority that I have as a missionary that I can prove that we are the true church. I can prove that we follow exactly what Christ teaches in the bible that I can answer every single one of her questions with proof from the bible but that is not our purpose and that I will not take away her opportunity to have faith and then she stopped asking questions. She started asking how it was that we felt the spirit  and then we just felt the spirit fill the room and we couldn't stop it. We just explained about prayer and about getting our answers and how or what we had to do to know that God was listening and that we could get our answer. and then it was just one of the best moments of my mission-- definitely the best lesson I've had. and then she was like I just don't know if i need to be baptized because i was already baptized.. and so i just told her that she has to ask God if she needs another baptism.. and then i was like we want to leave yall with a prayer. we would like you to pray and to ask if these things are true and she was like what do i need to ask and i told her to just ask whats in her heart. and so we knelt down and before she started i told her that we were all going to wait quietly after her prayer. she prayed with so much faith and fervor that i couldn't believe it and i couldn't stop praying in my heart. and she asked everything. She asked if she should be in this church if Joseph Smith was a prophet if the book of Mormon was true, if this was the true church and then she ended it. And then we all just sat there and i heard her praying.. i heard her start to pray something and then we all just sat there feeling the spirit TESTIFYING that all these things are true that you cant deny it and then we asked how they felt and Ana was like i'll tell you later and Lupe was like i feel like i was touched by God. and then we left so they could think on these things and then we found out that Ana left for Nicaragua so we couldn't visit her and check up until Friday night. We ran over there, and she got back right before we had to be in the house so we ran and asked how she felt and she said she knew.. she said this is where she needs to be and that she can't deny it. and it was just incredible then on Saturday from 11 til 8 we were at her house cooking setting up and helping for her wedding. We were passing out food and spreading the gospel. Talk about tiring. it was worse then working like normal all day long.

But yes. we should be seeing their baptism next weeek!! but i'm nervous because i could be leaving so if its not next week i won't see it.. and it'll be the saddest thing in my life.. but it will be the happiest day because i just want it to happen even if i'm not there.

Anyway its been a super great weeek! 
I'm nervous for this coming week because its the big fiesta weeeek... and idk who will be in their houses-.

Love yall so much!!

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