December 30, 2013

Two week catch up

Okay so I don't have a lot of time to catch up on 2 weeks of CrAzY awesomeness. hah.

1. Reiner. Okay so Reiner has a super incredible experience and story. To sum it up he got baptized young, but then left the church became addicted to alcohol and stuff but lives with his mom and brother who are active. One time when we were visiting them we asked who they wanted us to help and he said he wanted help (that was 9 months ago). So he can't read and has a memory problem. and  our lessons sometimes lack the spirit and are boring and its just hard but i got an idea a few days back to start reading short passages from the Book of Mormon with him to help him learn to read and to help him feel the spirit. The first day we started that, the lesson was one of the most spiritual experiences in my mission. He changed during the lesson, his look, his countenance literally changed and brightened. since then we've gone to his house everyday for 10-30 minutes just to read a little bit more. and his memory is completely different he's remembering the names and its just incredible. I'm so grateful to be able to work with him. 

2. Paolo- Okay so we always go to the same internet and I have always done little chit chat with them, but one day i looked at one of the workers and I just saw him in his white shirt and tie and slacks as a missionary and i knew i had to make a move... not like that.. although he is a cutie. hahahaha. jk .. but really i knew i had to make a move and share with him the gospel so we did and he is so GOLDEN. He's had a hard past and the first lesson he just opened up and the spirit was so strong and he came to church and loved it and he came to a noche de hogar with us and he's just awesome. I can't wait to hear where he'll be going on his mission.

3. Party house. Okay so there's a house that's a party house always with the same 10-15 people chilling playing cards and drinking coke or alcohol and we always pass and me the christ-like missionary i am i always tell them Good night or have a good day and they always respond sometimes with dumb comments that boys make to gringas, but we had received a reference to go and contact that house, my comps were kind of resilient, but I was like no its a reference we have to. So one night we passed by and we said goodnight and kept walking (because my comps were like we shouldn't go right now...) and they said a dumb comment.. so i turned around and with my smart-alik-ness i was like hey. we are representatives of Jesus Christ. Who here is named cesar? we would like to help you improve your life. haha. everyone was silent.. no one said a word... i was like who Cesar?? and then one guy was like that's me.. i was like so can we teach y'all about Christ your lord and savior and he was like tomorrow. so the next day we went and it was such an amazing lesson. 5 guys all listening and asking really great questions and then they read their pamphlets and they came to your ward activity... which i'll talk about right now..

4. WARD CHRISTMAS PARTY! oh my gosh. so no one planned this so at the first of December i started planning the party giving everyone assignments and everything. okay so I did that and all and tonight was the day and can I just tell you OH MY MIRACLE! so we were inviting everyone and we went and helped cook the food that morning and she was like i made enough to feed 100. So we get to the activity and when its starts only like 60 people are there and its great and all--then something happens and 100 more people show up! with 24 investigators. We were so stoked we had rented a karaoke set and it was such a blast so we have 176 people and we have to feed them all with food made for a 100 people.... I'm freaking out! We all are praying in our hearts as we start dishing.. and can i just say LOAVES AND FISHES! we finished giving out the food and we had EXTRA even though we gave out the food in good sized portions. I'm just so glad that I was able to witness this miracle and I was so glad to see so many investigators and members and menos activos together in one place enjoying the good time.

5. So ana.. i dont want to explain it all.. but we might have to drop her. she's taken the turn for the worst... and its rough. 

6. party in San Jose! So I got to hangout with hna starke the whole day it was so great. and we went and caroled for old people and it was just the best. And then i got to eat my moms treats... and everyone freaked out and wanted to know about you and tell you and dad thanks and then we got stuck in San Jose and left the next morning. ha. it was so great and so fun. 

7. So Tuesday Christmas. we went to visit Gabi because we told her we'd help her cook... so i had my first experience killing, plucking the feathers, and watching them clean the chicken and cook it.. and one had an egg inside... that wasn't full ready to be had.. it was so gross i almost puked.. but it was a nice once in a lifetime experience. haha.

8. i never want to eat tamales ever again. i'm so sick of them.. haha. and we got a giant hamburger.. that was cool. 

9. Skyping my fam. highlight of my Christmas. And then going to play jenga with my district. and it was a great day and Can i  just say that it was the best christmas with new clothes and music and FACE WASH!
and right now i'm watching hallie perform. its so great! 

Then miracle number 10.. we heard that one of our investigators maikol went off the deep end.. but then he called us at 7 am on Sunday and he told us he needs to change and then he came to church. and stayed the whole time and then he told us he has his meta to get baptized and that nothing will stop him from meeting that meta!

This past two weeks have been crazy the work was hard because not a lot of people are home a lot are on vacation, but the people that are here are going through MIRACLES!


Happy New YEAR!!


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