December 22, 2013

Rain fight

Okay so this week what can i say. its been crazy and stressful and one of the most fun weeks I've ever had in my life. ha. I don't know what happened but this week something in my brain flipped... it decided that if I'm going to be on a mission I'm going to have to not just work hard and be happy and joyful with that, but that I should be having funny and fun experiences every day too. 
So Tuesday we went over to Ana and Lupe´s house and we convinced them about their marriage again. now its like officially going to happen. I am so stoked. then we went and talked to our new converts mom.. who isn't a member but we have been trying to talk to her for for like 2 months and it never works out but finally she let us in and as we were talking and the spirit was feeling strong she burst into tears. its was so incredible. I know we're going to help these parents because they're able to see the blessings and the joy in their kids. its amazing. then we talked to one of our menosactivos about being a missionary and he got so excited!
so Wednesday we asked him to come to a lesson with us at the church and he did and not only that but he brought his friend! it was incredible to see this change and to see how excited he was about spreading the gospel. The lesson was so awesome and we were able to teach someone new and teach santos who is only smoking one cig. a day! were so close to his baptism!!
Then on Thursday we went and saw hna magda..the mujer with the tumor and she got her operation and we got to see her and share a message with her and it was awesome. She looks so different I almost didn't recognize her. Then we taught a lady named Edith and she is the happiest person alive. We just read one scripture and she was like "oh my blessings, this is true." and literally we couldn't not leave with a smile on our faces. That night I made tortillas... by myself. and they were pretty good too! hahah. 
okay friday... we had a district meeting and got cake and ice cream because we've been working so hard and that was super fun! and then on our way to an appointment it started raining really hard and we were all a little bit wet and i decided we should be having fun especially because my comps were looking a little stressed so I started jumping in every puddle and splashing them. and we went through mud and water up to our calfs and we were soaked but it was awesome. hah. I had the best time of my life. 
And on saturday  oh my gosh. talk about the most spiritual experience of my life. We taught Yari about the temple and temple marriage and after reading D&C 132:15 she was like wow... i cant believe it.. wow. i feel it. i know that  this is true and now i really know the importance of marrying for the church. and then we read verse 19 and she was like i want this and I gave her a picture of the temple to put in her house and she called over her son whose 6 and she whispered  "kennet do you want to go here? and he whispered back mom i want to go there right now. and then she was like this is our goal.. we're going to make it there" and just then whispering was like the sweetest thing in my life. i almost cried. it was the purest and most sincere thing ever. and then we taught this little 12 yr old girl... who randomly asked for a book of mormon and we gave her one... and so this lesson we were talking to her and she was like i've been reading.. and reading with my mom. we like learning and feeling the peace it gives... and so that was just incredible because these people are so prepared we don't have to do anything. and then we...well.. i have been teaching english to this guy every week and he said that he didn't want anything to do with the church but this week he was like i want to talk bout the libro de mormon.. and then after wards he was like... yupp.. its all true. all of it just makes sense. nothing false would last this long and grow this fast. 

its been a great week and so fun and so busy because we now have too many investigators recent converts and menos activos than we can keep track of. i feel like i'm neglecting some of them. The work is crazy here. We have changes this week but i'm pretty sure were safe and we're staying here. 

I love you all so much!! 

okay love ya! 

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