December 22, 2013

Oh my stars

What a week what a week. 
Okay so you know I lost hna Alvarado to argentina.. well that night we went to the presidents house to do interviews with him and so she went in and was done within like 5 minutes. so i go in next and its like we just are talking and i'm asking him questions and he's asking me questions and then he's like and how was it being in a trio and I told him how much I loved it how I really just love how much I have to learn because i'm with two other people and it's just so fun. I told him how it'll be different with just one companion and then he was like... well what would you say if i could get you another companion and i was like please i'd love that haha. but i don't know how that would happen in the middle of a change and he was like well its happening. You'll get the details later. 

so then Tuesday I did changes with some people and i decided again that i never want to leave Santa Cruz for the city. never. give me anywhere "campo" and i'll take it but don't put me in the city. ha. 

then Wednesday we got up super early and I did some immigration stuff then we went to our meeting with  Elder Amado of the presidency of the 70. and I had to sing a solo in the musical number without zone for the zones that were there and for him... it was scary because hes so awesome and hes like a real high up there authority. ha. but it went fine! Then he talked and was incredible he really helped me realize how to be a better teacher how to learn from the spirit better and how to really help the people i'm teaching while helping myself. he also talked a lot about marriage and the importance and we all know how much i love that kind of stuff hah. i'm so baby and marriage hungry. hahah. and then we got... CELLPHONES! and so now i  really have to work like fuego in our area because now we have a cellphone and now we can talk to people on a more regular basis and appointments won't fall through as much and its just going to change the work. And during this conference hna Starke was there and its always such a tender mercy and a joy to see her and catch up with her and we got to eat TACO BELL. it sounds crazy but eating fast food was like a miracle hah that hasn't happened in 7.5 months. p.s. the conference was in alejuela which is where the airport is and now i have a picture like the one dad has (kinda- i had to take it fast so its not that great... hahha) and then i got a call to go pick up my new comp.. so her name is Hna Villalobos. she's from costa rica. shes been set apart but she hasn't gone to the mtc. she leaves for the mtc in Argentina in two weeks and so we get to have her for these next two weeks. so i have another comp newbie but like super newbie.. and she's awesome, but i'm having to train her from the ground up about all the little things and about really what a missionary life is like. She is like a munchkin.. seriously. shes like 4ft10 and teeeny tiny. And she doesn't know any English... so its me and two Latinos and my Spanish is getting better every day. 

So then with all the traveling and stuff we lost 4 days in our area and i wanted to CRY! but we got back and we worked our butts off and in 2 and a half days we got 17 lessons in so i was okay with that. We got Yanixi ready for her baptism and Santos is only smoking 2 a day and then we have some great new investigators.

Saturday this is what happened--we taught the nephew of Alonso and he has already been coming to church and he has been reading the book of mormon and he's only 11 and he's already on chapter three of Nephi and he read all the testimonies and everything and its just incredible and he's getting baptized next sunday.. miracle baptize that came out of no where. And so another crazy thing is that Guadalupe the husband of Ana has always been like no we are getting married in december. no ifs ands or buts, but then we were talking and i said what day in dec and he said the 20th and i was like ill be gone from santa cruz by then and he said... wait. well i have actually been talking with the lawyer and he said he can do it in three weeks. and i want to do it in three weeks along with Yari and Darling (his "sister in law" and her "husband") and so all i have to do is get permission from Ana. So that is a SUPËR HUGE super miracle. The work is like crazy fire and we keep getting 5-10 investigators in church ever Sunday so its just awesome. 
then on Sunday we had to leave again for san jose to have the monthly check for hna medina, so that's where we are right now and its great but i just want a pday at home hah. just relaxing and shopping and all. hah. 

Okay so now for the cleaning house stuff..
1. so my zone leader Elder Soza is great friends with Ethan Call right and he wants to know what ethans email is so he can talk to him. 
2. my address for letters should be 
san jose mission 
apartado postal 249-2010 
san jose 
costa rica 
and the address for packages is the one thats like corridabat. 
so idk how it is on my blog but if you could change it like that it'll make it so letters get to me faster and everything. 
3. you asked for a list of things i want or need for christmas... so here you go (do not feel obligated with any of this just know these are things that would come in handy or be great but don't even need to send me a christmas package just letters and picutres is great. :) )
peanut butter, cereal, goldfish, protein bars, no show socks, rain jacket like the kind dad uses for hiking slick and all, cheap ctr rings in spanish for all my sweet little converts, stickers, and individually wrapped candy or american candy to give them, teachings of the prophet Joseph Smith, and cds of good music efy, disney, and any musicals that are super lovey dovey.. im sick of the 100 songs i listen to every single day. hahh.
4.whats the perkins (karen and brad) and the other perkins addresses. 

and yeah. i love yall so much. yall are such great exaamples for me. 
love ya! 
hna coburn

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