December 22, 2013

Cinnamon... Machetes and life

okay so Monday after internet we went to Nicoya.. an area in our district and we used the oven they have in their chapel to make homemade cinnamon rolls... can i just say one- how jealous i am that they have an oven because in Santa Cruz almost no one has an oven. and two- how excited i was to bake.. anyways. they turned out really good and were really delicious... and then i stayed in Nicoya to do divisions with Hna Lang. So that was a blast. and it really pumped up my confidence because Monday and Tuesday i was in a different area with different people and i could still understand their Spanish and they could still understand mine. hah. its not just that ´people in santa cruz are used to me but that i really do know Spanish haha. and also i was able to work in a real companionship and not a trio.. which was also different and really helped my confidence because i was able to teach and it flowed and it was awesome. ha. I laugh because she made me sing a solo in every lesson because no one can sing in Guanacaste and her other comp cant sing either so it was really funny to have to "perform" every lesson. ha. then we changed back to normal at the district meeting which was a really spiritual pump me up too because we got to share our testimonies.. and well it was the day of transfers and I can officially say that I'm going to be in Santa Cruz until Dec 10th and that Ill have 7.5 months in this area.. im hoping for 9 but well see what Pres and the Lord think. hah.

Okay so ready for a funny story so on Thursday we're running late from an appointment to go to the chapel for classes of English. so I am thinking smart and i'm like lets take our short cut through the woods and cross the football field and then we'll get their faster.. so we start our walk through the woods... and i'm just singing and joking with everyone and we're just walking normal when two men with their nice huge sharp machetes start walking toward us... my heart is beating so fast i hear the scary music in my head and with an announcers voice i hear "three sister missionaries were murdered in the santa cruz by two locos"-.--haha no really my heart was freaking out and my brain said.. hmm,they must be off to cut the grass... because that's what people use to cut the grass. ha. It was great, but hna villalobos little worry wort started running and walking super fast so we ended up running through the woods and almost interrupting the soccer game as we ran across the soccer fields ha. it was so funny we couldn't stop laughing and then hna medina almost had an asthma attack because we were running and laughing ha. it was great. so that night Pres Sancho took us out to our lessons and then for pizza.. i love that guy. So we have an investigator se llama Edith. she's the happiest brightest lovingest person alive and she's accepting everything and changing and becoming more and more happy everyday. She told us she's never going to a church because she doesn't believe in them but she said as soon as we showed her the book of mormon she knew this had to be right and she came to church on Sunday!! it was incredible. 
then Saturday we're getting ready to fast and the world decided to give us food so we end up eating tomales, arroz con leche, tortillas and queso, bread, and  juice out the wazooo. it was super fun and we were super full and it made us laugh because we couldn't say no and so we had to start our fast super late hah. then saturday Ana- finally did it. she finally said she wants to be married!!!! So as soon as she said that i SCREAMED super loud... i haven't changed i'm still a screamer. and she was like okay okay i'm never telling you guys again. So now we just have to make her legal... because she's not legal.. ha. and This week hna Villalobos is leaving so were going to be a great duo me and hna medina. its going to be  really fun i'm excited to see what its like. I'm just so pumped because I get my 6 weeks more in Santa Cruz. hah.

Anyways. I love you all so much! Have a great week!!  

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