October 18, 2013


Okay so this is whats up. 
Right now its super late but My comp Hna Alvarado got a call late last night that she has an interview in San Jose at 8 (right now) and that she's leaving Tuesday in the morning.. so we traveled all day and by tender mercy are able to write the family for a little bit. Okay so this weeeek. oh my gosh. and p.s. this internet cafe doesnt upload pictures... so that stinks. but next week ill have lots for you.

okay so first random fun facts:
1. Ive seen a bike with 5 people on it.. it was really impressive how well they know how to load people up.
2. I thought with just one gringo we´d have less cat calls... but now its worse then ever. every where i go its ¨"Machita" "gringita" "guapa" "the one in ____ (whatever color Im in..)" its funny but annoying but im hoping that i can help baptize these people at least.. i always yell back. Church at 9 the church is behind the supermarket. haha.
3. I ate pig face stewish thing.. it tasted like cat food.
4.costa rica chocolate tastes horrible... but their hard candy is awesome.
5. my zone leader was really good friends with Ethan Call and all the calls really. his name is elder soza... so thats cool. its a small world.
6. we´re getting another gringo family in our Branch!! well two more but i only know the official date for one of the families.

We had a noche de hogar... family home evening at the house of Ana and with her family it was so fun and I absolutely adore this family. Guadalupe is listening to the lesson and Anita and Kelvin are always bringing there friends to hear us teach them. ha. its awesome.  Then we talked with Santos! So we had that crazy incident with him running out on us during the baptismal interview but then we taught him on tuesday and he is incredible. Through him my testimony of the book of mormon is ten times stronger. He's been reading and using the foot  notes (which is something that people do when they're investigating the church) and he knows this is the true church because of this libro. its just incredible. he should be baptized in a few weeks.. we just are working on his addiction to smoking. and then we talked to the mom of a friend of little Anita. named Yanixi. and we found out that her mom is a member and her two sisters! They're just inactives. and we thought they wouldn't let us, but they are allowing Yanixi to be baptized this next sunday!! its so exciting. i wanted to cry. they told us flat out that they loved the church they just switched back to catholica because of tradition. Which is why the part of the book of mormon how its always saying convince them of the wrongness of their traditions is so true. Then we taught our menos activos Krystle and Javier and they had a friend over and I was just explaining who we were to the friend and Javier became the best missionary in the world. bearing testimony and inviting her to church and guess what... on sunday.. they brought her to church!! it was incredible! The work of the lord changes lives as the member missionary or the nonmember. hah.Oh my gosh and let me tell you about Cristian. I love this kid seriously. he's like my best friend. if he lived in the states we would be besties. So we have officially started his process of preparing for the MISSION! and hes doing so great with it all and reading and praying and sharing the gospel and coming to church and just such good work and i should be here when he goes through the temple! so thats exciting! Im really pumped for that. That gives me more smiles then anything seeing him change 180 degrees into someone so awesome. and then we have a bautismo and activity on friday it was so beautiful! Anita and Kelvin got baptized and there were so many people there and their dad afterwards said that he's ready to see his picture of his baptism next!! We freaked out because hes never said that before but seeing his kids get baptized he says he can feel the truth and he wants it too! along with their aunt Yari who should be getting married and baptized too in the next three weeks! its just soooooo expensive for them because they're not tican they're from nicaragua. so when Kelvin got up to bare his testimony,,, he was so nervous that his aunt Yari did it for him and it was so powerful she just testified of the veracidad de este evangelio and how this is the only true church.  okay the actividad was a culture appreciaiton so we brought food from all different regioins , the gringos brought spagehetti and chili and i brought some sick awesome mashed potatoes (if i say so myself) they were like going home. hah. and really the ward has helped the investigators feel so loved. its amazing. 

sunday i almost died of food overload. so we were fasting and then the gringo families brought us pb&j and corn bread so we broke our fast with this then we went to lunch and we are spagehetti and rice combo and then we had to go to this party for this member and she gave us more food and i threw more than 2/3 away because i was sooooooo fulll.

anyways i love ya sooooooo muchh!!! 

talk to you more later!!

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