December 22, 2013

It's a Christmas miracle

Okay so this week was a week of fun and miracles. It was a perfect last week of this change. Okay so we start out with tuesday.

We had a really awesome experience where we felt inspired to take a taxi and we hopped inside and started talking with the lady and she's a member from forever ago and hasn't been to church in like 20 years, and her son too is a member and then shes like my daughter wants to get baptized with yall. and we want to come back to church. So we set up the appointment and we went to her house and her daughter has a date to be baptized and everything. its so awesome. And I know our prayers were answered with lots of the little details that added up to taking that taxi and meeting this lost sheep. Its a christmas Miracle.. Did i ever tell you i taught someone in english these last week who was from Australia?... because i did. and i hope he gets baptized but he was really hard hearted. Okay so then that same day we had a district meeting and I made cooookies and made them look like little sisters and elders. it was a really great meeting. and they werent the best cookies but hey you work with what you got. ha. the chocolate chips cost 5 dollars... but it was like a chirstmas present to them. ha 

Then let me tell you about this little 13 yr old boy, Adrian we're teaching. if people here aren't in the correct path, they go really far off. so this kid is friends of Chuma. and he is with problems with all 5 things that we don't use in the word of wisdom.... and for the past 5 months he has told us he doesn't want to change doesn't want to learn anything... but this week it all changed.. and he told us he wants to be baptized and wants to learn.. he has been stopped drinking and smoking and drugs and now is only have lots of problems with coffee. its incredible and its all because of chuma. Ill talk more about him later... So on wednesday we had an activity in a neighborhood far from our area.. like a 20 min walk.. so most of our members were like.. no we're not going.. but chuma and mario and adrian all decided they would go with us. these young boys are all following chuma and its incredibleeee. kinda like a Christmas Miracle.

Okay so ready for something crazy.something that sounds a little like a christmas miracle... so we're teaching English to this guy Manuel. and he's always there and hes finally admitted that even though he was a missionary for the catholic church that now he knows that our church is right because it makes sense. well he told us today that he's started reading the book of mormon and he loves it that its the most correct because its so direct and its so true. Then he told us he'd like to get baptized in enero when he finishes the book of mormon.. i obviously was like no worries. you don't have to finish it to be baptized.. haha. but its still incredible his change from duro. not believing anything to loving the book of mormon and saying that its all correct what we believe.  Then that night this is the crazy part.. so in my patriachal blessing it talks about how on my mission my testimony will go and be heard in all the world. and we were passing by a house when a girl walks out.. looks likea gringo and she says.. hey do you speak english. she has a really weird accent.. so we start talking and shes from iceland. and she knows nothing about the church and she says she wants to learn to be like us and have the light that we have christmas miracle number 1000... hah.

okay so saturday we had the baptism of Maria on the beach is was SO beautiful and I loved to see her get baptized.. not to mention elder degraw as tan feliz to get to go into the ocean. ha. then i got kissed and hugged by a cousin of a member.. who just happened to think i was cute.... i think ive gotten more kisses on the cheeks here than ever in my life. normall you just touch cheek to cheek.. but boys here just like to take advantage of this tradition. haha. 

sunday was so beautiful. chuma baptized his friend mario and it was just the most precious thing in the world. then we had 4 investigators come to watch the christmas fireside this was crazy awesome miracle tambien.

sorry i wrote alot. and my emials are always really long and sometimes really detailed. i just like you to know everything. haha. but really life is so great. Everyone can be a missionary like chuma. and everyone can have the joy that he has.  also everyone can have christmas miracles if you are focusing on christ! 

Happpy December!!! 

Love you alll lots and lots!! 

hna Coburn

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