December 22, 2013

Awesome sauce

oh my gosh. this week was so AWESOME. you know in the incredibles when that little kid sees mr.incredible rip of the door of his car. and he screams that was totally wicked... thats how i felt this week.

so Monday after I wrote yall, Gilmar met up with us at the football field and started teaching us how to play football.. im not terrible.. im not great. but he told me he has faith that i can be good. ha. my new goal learn how to play soccer before i leave from costa rica. ha. I can do it.... maybe... hah. now because all the little kids saw us playing they want to come with us and teach me how to play too. hah. its great. hah.

okay tuesday I left to go do divisions with the hermanas especialistas. And so I left to go to Liberia and to work with Hna Watkins from arizona. It was a good learning experience. I like divisions because if you have a humble heart you really can feel that there are other ways and you learn so so much. I stayed there until Thursday when we had a zone conference and thanksgiving dinner planned.. so about that.. .
so we get here and Pres wilkinson and his familiy is there and it is literally the most amazing thing ever... Pres.wilkinson is an inspired man. He asked us what our purpose is. why we have pretty skirts why we wake up why we got showered why we are going to eat dinner together why we have a manual why we have name tags.. and the answer for every one of these questions was the same TO BAPTIZAR AND RETENER or baptize and retain. And it was incredible the lessons he taught and what the APs taught us and I really felt the spirit so strong the whole time. When Hna Wilkinson taugh that was when I felt the sprit the most and she taught about talking to everyone you meet. I realzied that I've been failing a little bit with that and then president wilkinson told us about a new daily meta we have which is lessons para encontrar or lessons to find. and its when we just talk to someone and teach a principle and get their number or address and its just algo rapido just something you do in a bus stop or on the bus or in the supermarket. and it was really great. and then I just realized I'm a talker what is my problem why have i let my tiredness get the best of me.. normally on buses i like to take my cat naps haha... but i really felt that i can change the way we work if we do this talking to everyone. Then we all went to a hotel to eat thanksgiving dinner... which was chicken cordonbleu and potatoes and salad and then cherrry and pumpkin pie for desert. it was amazing. i wanted to cry. haha. and then on the bus home i did just that. i told my comp the new rule isthat we can't sit by each other and that we have to talk to EVERYONE. we were able to do just that and we now have more new investigators because of it. 

Okay so friday it was an awesome day. we got to talk to so many people and we got to get so many people ready for baptisms. this next month is going to be full of baptism. because people here are so READY. im a little sad because I dont think Im going to be here much longer because chagnes are coming up.. but maybe I will.. we'll seee. hah. Anyway we have alot of our new members helping us with these references and investigators and now cristian will be baptizing his cousin and Chuma will be baptizing two of his Friends. it is so amazing. 

Okay so saturday we had the adult session of conferene and so we didnt much work done and then sunday we got to go to conference again and Ana and all of her family came with us. i love this family so much.. i gave her one of my skirts and its just perfect for her because she still feels "hot" but she's now modest. hah. As we were ending.. elder degraw is talking with a gringo family and then as i pass they stop me and give me a bag of treats. It was filled with popcorn, cornnuts and nutella and eos chapstick! it was the sweetet thing in the world. I am so grateful for sweet visiting families. 

This has been an amazing week. We have two baptisms coming up for this weekend and three for the weekend after that. Im stoked the lord is hastening his work and Im lucky enough to be apart of it!! 

I love you all so much!!
This church is the true church and it is through the book of mormon and prayer and church attendence that we can fortify ourselves in this knowledge.

Love hna coburn


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