October 18, 2013

Spiritual Pump me up!

okay so this weeeek On Tuesday our president fumiagated our house which was so nice of him.. i havent seen a cockroach in three days.. miracles do happen and dreams come true. hah. we had an interview for the baptism of alonso and he passed so that was super exciting. Then we packed and got ready to go to the temple on wednesday and then to do divisions that night in sanjose.  so we set our alarm for 1:50 so that we could take the bus at 3 am and idk what happened but my alarm didnt go off andjust by chance we work up at exactly 3am so I was frekaing out not sure what we could do because I just wanted to go to the temple and so we couldn't call anyone they were all asleep, but then I remembered the ZL were on a bus to san jose too so we called them and they were sweet and told us that we just need to take the next one and we can do the later session at the temple. So we go and get on the bus and head to san jose and get to the temple at like 9:30, we take a few pictures and then we go "shopping" in the little store by the temple. This distribution center is so tiny but so cheap I was able to buy the lds art book for 2 dollars. so that has been a great help. Then we go in and they ask if I want head phones.. I decided to go through in spanish and it was an amazing experience. I am so grateful for the opportunity to go through the temple and Im so grateful that I was able to feel so much the saviors love for me. I was then able to go shopping with my comps in san jose central. It was a fun day but we couldnt buy anyything because as soon as people saw me they raised the price. one guy said 5 i mean 7 dollars... hah. it was so obvious and we were like no thank you. Then we got to the offices to do divisions and I wanted to scream because Hna Ogletree was there to do divisions with me. what a sweet tender mercy. we talked about all the miracles and changes and we talked about how it was going for her in the city and it was just great because after 5 months together i really do feel like she's my bestie in the mish. 

Okay so then thursday we get back to santa cruz at like 5 and get to work. We taught Yaris (sister to Ana) and the silliest thing happened... her brother whois 34  likes me...and she keeps bringing up how good he is with kids and how hes single and all this just because one time I told her I want a bunch of kids. and So then anita came up to me and was like my tio likes you.. you're going to be a part of my family soon. haha. so now thats super awkward when we go and teach. hah. but theyre doing super great!

Okay so conference on saturday I have to admit I didnt get much out of it.. I had to watch it in spanish. and while I understand most of the talks I didnt feel very enlightened as I could've.. but its okay because I can read them in the ensign.. then we had the baptism of Alsono and it was usper beautiful and it was definitely his time Im so excited that hes finally a member.

Sunday conference we found a laptop and i got to watch it in english and it was amazing. I haven't felt more enlightened and i was able to get so much information for our investigators. The church is so perfect and so true and there is no denying it. 

Sunday night I got to preach and testify to Gilmar because hes been having alot of doubts and it was incredible. I felt the lord speaking through me and  testifying through me. We could've fought easily and bible bashed because he had lots of questions and doubts and love the bible, but the only way to help him was to bare my testimony. and stand strong. Def. One of the best experiences in my mission! 

I love you all so much! The Church is So true! and There is nothing or no ones opinion that can change it. there;s a byu speech by pres. kimball about this and its amazing its from like 1977 or something. but its about how these are eternal truths and the opinions of man dont change it at all. 

love Hna coburn

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