October 18, 2013

Holy Miracles

Okay so this week was crazy amazing! So first my comps are so amazing and so we've been able to work really hard and really efficently and it's been really fun too. My Spanish is jumping leaps and bounds with two latina comps but I miss speaking English a lot. Oh well, ok so we had some crazy stuff go down...so first off we set a goal this week to raise our lessons from 40 to 42 and to get 14 lessons with a member present. We decided that we were going to reach all of our goals and put forth the effort and the faith required.

Monday- So Monday night we were doing the interview with Santos so that he could get baptized... the district leader had to use his phone during this to make a phone call and so he borrowed Santos phone and was out of the room for like five minutes i walk out to answer some questions for my dl and i get called over by Santos. I go over and he's freaking out and saying that his phone is his property and that he doesn't want to do this anymore and that he believes it but that his phone is his and no one can take it away and crazy stuff like that and i was so shocked.  I didn't do anything to try and convince him to stay i just was mouth opened wide and freaking out in my brain.. so after his rant he just got up and left. I decided after he cools down a bit we're going to call him and see what happened. So that was the craziness of Monday.

Tuesday-We went and taught the familia de ana about prayer and faith and her sister Yaris who is amazing was just like yep. my faith is helping me do the things that let me know that this is the true church. And so we're stoked for her. She told us that part of her faith too is that she's decided to get married as soon as possible. So that was really awesome. So we always have three niñas with us in these lessons like little neighborhood kids so that's always fun because they're progressing too and we're able to help them recieve the truth and their parents are letting us. Everyone today has been asking about the end of the world and the rapture.  I am so sick of these quesitons. I'm like it doesn't matter as long as you're doing what the restored gospel tells you to do. And then they just go off about these crazy beliefs they have about the end of the world. hah. Oh silly latinos.

Wednesday- We had an awesome district meeting and hna Medina was able to feel a little more comfortalbe with being a missionary so that was really nice and we were able to learn about putting fechas for bautismo. And then we taught Cristian our recent convert how to do the baptism  because he's baptizing Josue. He was so excited and so nervous and it was just awesome. We were able to do divisions and I was able to work with just hna medina. She's slowly and steadily opening up and speaking more its so funny i never thought all greenies were the same.. but they are no importa if you know the language or not because its so different to be a missionary. Then we brought all our investigators to the ward activity and they loved it! So that was really awesome.

Jueves- we did some contacting in a new area and we were able to find the funniest most amazing person. She's a 50 something yr old lady who is super sold on the bible but not religious and so we just were explaining to her the purpose of a church and she was like you're right and I just need to find the right one. So I went in and started the Joseph Smith story and i did the first vision and it was super powerful and in the middle of it this lady jut pats her heart and is like oh my stars this is so beautiful this is so true. hah. and so that was really fun. We should see some great progress from her too. Then we were able to help and teach some more little joven boys and i just laugh because that's like our main teaching group.

Friday- okay so this is the craziest day because we had weekly planning and so we were in the house til 3 but then we were still able to get 9 lessons in. We realized the best way to teach is direct and clear and you shouldn't beat around the bush and you should leave when the spirit is the most strong. So that's what we've been doing and we are cranking out the lessons. It's awesome!! We got to finally teach GUADALUPE! He's the spouse of Ana and it was great. They both gave us premission to baptize their kids before we baptize them. And then we were able to teach a new family that's super interested in knowing that we have a prophet today. its great to give people the hopé and the joy that we have someone to guide us and help us get to christ. So hopefully we see progress wit them this week. also I found out today that on WEDNESDAY WE'RE GOING TO THE TEMPLE! FINALLY!! And so thats super aweosmeeee.

Saturday- So today we needed 5 lessons with members so that we could reach our goals and so we were fasting and praying as a comp to meet all of our goals. Keep that in mind.Today was a day super crazy.  Okay so we got up at 4:30 and dropped off our laundry and started studying at 6:45 so that at 9 we could help serve a menosactivo. so we went there not knowing what she wanted and she said wash my clothes. so for the first time in my life i washed a whole set of laundry by hand... and it was fun and hard hah. im so grateful for the washingmachines. hah. and then we went and helped out at an activity at the church for the primary and then went and bought ingredients for no bake cookie s and made those for the baptism and then we went and taught two people and when we got back to the church there was an activity for the youth.. but there were some adults there it was 4:30 when we got there with the baptismat 6:30 so we got two people to come out with us and did divisions and I went out with hna Medina and a member names Magaly. So we went and taught this 21 yr old names milagro. she's awesome!  she's a hard worker and she's catholic but shes looking for the truth and says she feels it. It was such inspiration to have Magaly with us because they're the same person and Magaly had the same doubts when she was investigating the church so it's was just super super awesome. and then we were like oh know we have to go we have a baptism and milagro was like i wanna come... which doesnt ever happen. so we ran home to get cookies and when i say ran i mean we ran a mile to our house to get the cookies with all our books and bags in skirts and not running shoes and then we ran to the church getting there at 6:10 when we got there, 40 people were waiting which doesnt happen ... and then 5 more showed up. so its was so crazy to have that many poeple with the family of ana there and milagro and having cristian baptize josue. it was so beautiful and i oculdnt stop smiling. and neither coould josue or cristian. so then i asked hna alvarado how many lessons she got and she said three. so that was four lessons with a member and then thebpatism to make a grand totaly of the 5 that we needed! and then we had two more after that leaving the week with a grand totaly of 44 lessons!!!! CRAZY AMAZING MIRACLES!!! We met all of our goals!!

Sunday- was a great day we got 6 people in the capilla and ALONSO! One of the people we've worked so hard with - came! and this was his third time in the capilla and we asked how it's going with all the leys, the laws, and he said he's kept the ley de castidad for two weeks now! This was amzing because that's his biggest problem and after church i was like well when can we baptize you and he was like this weekend. I was just joking but when he answered this weekend I wanted to cry because we have a goal of one baptism a week and I've been praying and hoping we'd find someone who can be baptized and he did it. He answered that prayer!! And then last night Santos called us and said Satan was attacking his mind and that he misses us and wants to come back to our church because he knows it's true and that he misses feeling the spirit. So it's just amazing the prepared people we're meeting and the miracles that are happening right now! And then we found out something crazy... hna Alavardo is leaving on Thursday for Argentina... well thats what they're working toward... so that's going to be a crazy change!! Then my comps made me fooooddd mmmm yummmyyy.

Sorry this email is so long this weeeeek, lots happened, It's all happening by faith, obedience, and hard work. I know that fasting and prayer is one of the best ways to see miracles and I know without a doubt that this is the only true church with poder and autoridad on the face of the planet and I'm so grateful for this knowledge.  I love you all so much and I couldn't read your emails super thoroughly but i printed them out and I will talk to y'all in a week!! Just know that y'all are in my prayers always and I love ya so much and that I'm grateful for your emails and for your prayers! The church is true!

Love yaa!
Hna Coburn 

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