June 4, 2013

Improving on the Language

Wow days just fly by but then its weird because its only been 3 weeks. hah. time is so messed up. So this week was a little strange so I´ll try to organize my thoughts.. 
okay Monday- We had pday and can i just say i´m gonna be as fat as anyone in america because i love the bread here... like alot. okay anyway so we taught this one kid Alexander. Super cute 20 yr old and golden. He´s so smart and asks the best questions. When we are teaching because he´s actually smart and young I have a really hard time talking to him, I know its stupid but i don´t like feeling stupid in front of him any way so I decided that since I´ve only taught him once and it was our second time teaching him and the last time we didn´t invite him to be baptized (I found out that they invited him the time before I came but he said no) So I decided I would invite him to be baptized. So the lesson was rough. We kept being interrupted by his talkative grandma and i would feel the spirit but then something weird or random would happen and I just felt like I couldn´t invite him because he´d say no.. but obviously me being me I had to follow through with my goal so I did my first real invitation to be baptized and oddly enough he said yes. It was awesome I really feel like he´s one of the elect you always here about.
Tuesday-Okay so our branch mission leader lives about 15 minutes away on bus and so we pick up our lunch to bring to his house and it smells delicious and when we get to his house he says i made you lunch so just save that for your dinner... so we´re in the kitchen as he´s fixing the lunch and he just chops up a fish and sticks it in a pot with water and vegatables... okay so fish soup is my trade off the smell itself while it was cooking was unbearable i wanted to throw up and die. i prayed so hard that my tastbuds would be turned off and that i could eat this nasty thing.. so let me tell you the church is true. i ate it all and don´t remember what it tasted like. I literally had a fish fin in my soup... blechhh so gross! his wife had the fis head and face though, so i´m lucky i didn´t have that. Oh okay then remember how i said i was getting over my fear of dogs... well its back because as we were walking to the bus stop two dogs just freakout and start taring after me and i´m like dying but then their owner calls them and they stop running. 
Wednesday.-so we head to Nicoya and I have my first real splits from my comps.  She´s awesome and shes only been out 4 months and her spanish is kicking. She took spanish in college but still just awesome i want to be as good as her. So we started the day at 6:30 and didn't get in til 10:40 to San Jose, where the secretaries were supposed to be waiting but they weren´t so that sucked because then we waited another thirty minutes and the AP´s finally picked us up. 
Thursday- okay so i went to the office and saw HNA STARKE AND HNA BOER what a joy! I got to spend all of thursday with them. we went to the embassy and did our embassy stuff and it was just so good to reconnect and see that i´m not the only one that has hard days with spanish. hah. then we take the 5hr bus back to Nicoya and get in about 9:30 and the other sisters are like OH MY WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN? everyone has been calling for you.. so apparently the secretaries told my comps that i was going to be coming home by myself instead of staying in Nicoya for the night. so they were freaking out about little baby gringo traveling by herself.. but no i was fine and with a gringa and three hispanic sisters in that area. and we were starving and the tender mercy from the Lord happened as their cook made us food that was hot and ready for when we can back. Oh and I got to check the mail and saw I got my FIRST letter in Costa Rica!! Lauren had sent in a while ago and it finally arrived. tender mercy number 2.
Friday- so finally i get to get back to work. Today was fun. We taught alot and the next tender mercy that occured is that this SUPER less active lady Magela is friends with the investigator Alex and she said she´d teach a lesson with us! So not only did we get to teach Alex but we got to bring a super inactive sister back into the fold. We invited them both to church and it was just awesome. Oh and then we took out this 17 yr old recent convert to go with us to a few lessons and she was awesome. She´s a future missionary for sure. shes so funny she kept fixing my spanish and pronunciation and then she took a picture and was like i´ll put it on fb.. haha. i was like okay but i don´t have fb email it to me and she was like what no fb... 
Saturday- So picture those bridges you see in movies... the ones that have broken boards and are super high and cricky and swingy... i have to walk over one of those and every time i get SOO sick and queasy.. its the worst. ill take a picture some time. so today we started our fast and I was fasting for confidence with spanish. and I saw a miracle happen this day. I don´t know if my comps notice, but i talked more in lessons and talked more in the streets then i have ever talked before. I don´t know how but it just was flowing so mcuh better. I even recognized one of our contacts when my other copms didn´t. it was really a miracle. We then we went to the baptism--it was for the elders in our area. they asked me to sing with one of them, so that was awesome. It was a tender mercy to feel completely comfortable in my zone singing. Everyone was so nice afterwards too i felt like a movie star. I was also able to talk about yall because i took a photo of our fam and got it laminated and so i can now take it out with me everywhere. So it was a really great day.
Sunday- this week we worked so hard to remind people about church and to do everything we could to get them there  and then this morning we went around to pick them up and no one and I mean no one was awake or out or anything. it was so discouraging. so we get to church and its still pretty empty.. but then the impossible happens our ward normally has like 60 people and our goal is 80. well right as sacrememt starts 4 investigators and our inactive magela show up! it was amazing! then there were the random gringo vacationers. and so we ended up having 88 pèople at church! truly a miracle!! haha. Okay and I was asked to give a talk next week so thatll be fun. I cant wait to tell you about that!
Okay so I can´t believe you sent a PACKAGE. thats way tooo nice. so i know how hard it is when christmas comes around though so i decided to tell yo about random things that i always think will be good. Candy like my fav. peachrings sweedishfish and sourpatch kids, and then like individual wrapped stuff for children. and then stickers for the little kids tooo. and then mas crystal light packets and no show socks.. thats just random things because one sock already is ripping because its always wet and then rocks in my shoes and yeah. but i don´t need anyof that i just thought it might help if you had some kinda idea of practicle stuff.
wow!! dad  is awesome. International and a High Councilor!! I´m so impressed. Life at home sounds awesome and I love the pictures like aLOT they make me so happy. also the kitchen looks awesome way to work it out!! I can´t wait tocome home and see a new house... redo my room while your at it. haha.
I love yall alot!!!

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