June 17, 2013

Found some great new investigators

So I´ve got two more weeks and I´ll hit my first transfer.. crazy huh. I hope I get to stay in Santa Cruz and I hope I get to stay with Hna Ogleetree... so we´ll see how things turn out. It could be any which way. 

Okay so this week. We found a golden investigator! well actually two! so Tuesday we planned to cross this super scary bridge and go to cameroons and visit some references there so we spend 1hr looking for this house and finally find it and have a great first lesson kind of a getting to know you and lsn 2 mixed because the daughter (37 yrs old) and the Mom live together and the Dad just died 7 months ago. So after the lesson the daughter Ingrid comes up and says to me I feel this peace something I just can´t describe.. so obviously I´m dying to just stay and teach about the restoration and the holy ghost and everything but having been at that area for two and half hours we had to go and so we told them we´d be back on saturday and left them the plan of salvation pamphlets. So saturday we go back and we ask if they´ve read and both say yes of course and then we ask what they learned and Ingrid just goes off and basically understands everything about the plan of salvation. its so crazy because most people read it and then say they like it but don´t understand any of it. And Ingrid just kept saying well its crazy because i never knew any of this and yet it makes so much sense. so we teach about the restoration and she´s just soaking it in and the spirit is so strong and they´re both committed to baptism and i´m stoked because they are amazing and we need them in our ward. Then theres Gilmer. Gilmer is 21 he works and cares for his little 14 yr old brother their mom lives 15 minutes on bike away with her boyfriend. hes such a great guy and i know he´s prepared for this message. he really has a desire to know the truth and understand what the lord has planned for him and what he can do to make it back to the lord again. He´s also committed to be baptized and the cool thing is we´ve taught him twice and I was able to commit him and he´s already been keeping the commitments of reading and I know he's going places.

Yara and Diliana
So I don´t know if i´ve told you about Yara and Diliana- Their mom is a recent convert and they have never liked the missionaries until we came and started teaching them.. well they're getting baptized this saturday and their strength and their light is amazing!! They read and study and have questions for us and they keep talking about how much they love this gospel and how they want to be missionaries and share the joy they have with other. I´m just so stoked for them and so we asked what changed why now.. and they said well its just we´ve seen the example of our mom and how her life has changed and then yall came and were so loving and fun and taught us so well that we knew this was Christ´s church. So I´m stoked for that. I´m doing a duet with the Elders Quorum pres. haha
Madison w/ Yara and Diliana

So I sang again at the baptism last saturday. hah. they just can´t get enough of a white girls voice...  

So this week I feel like its been the best week for me. This week I´ve been able to really teach and talk and listen and understand. The improvement in my spanish was crazy this week and it wasn´t really an improvement in my spanish as it was in my confidence to just teach and talk and use the spirit. I know that I have been blessed with the gift of tongues and interpretation of tongues and so i know i need to USE that gift. Its been a really great week and I´m just going to continue improving and getting better and better. Because I know that I can through Christ speak this crazy language and get across the principles of the gospel. 
weird fruit

Yesterday I gave a talk on conversion. It was crazy. I wrote it and had hna bojorque check over it and she said it was good so i just get it and i know it wasn´t a super great talk but i felt the words just coming from my mouth. it was awesome. Everyone after told me that for 4 week my spanish sounded like 3 months. And for me that was the best thing anyone could've said because i know that I can´t really do it and so I have to rely completely on the lord and I can see the fruits of that sort of trust. We have been having a ton of gringos visit our ward since its summer time and its so great we´ve had above 80 for attendance the past three weeks. so hopefully if this stays til august we´ll get passed for a new building! 

okay so while studying the scriptures I found the answer for why missionaries always come home fat.... go read proverbs 28:25. 

So you know in america we shorten words and its really funny.. and i´m like a big fan of it. well me and hna ogleetree decided to do the same thing for spanish.. so we say no se preoccupe and change it to no seps coup. its starting to trend amongst our investigators ahaha. so its awesome and really funny.

okay another random crazy coinsidence- so hna o was showing me her family pictures and she was like this is my cute cousin i should set you up with him and i´m like is that Sam Watkins.. and she´s like... uh... yeah... so me and sam were at byu together and like actually good friends. and anyways i was like did you go to his mission call opening and she wwas like yea were you there... and i was like no i was outside but i showed some people where to go for it and she was like wait were you with a group playing frisbee... and i was like yupp. so thats funny we met without meeting. haha. stefan or stuart.. you should date her.. she´s totes cute and spiritual and way cool. 

so i think thats all. oh this week i´m studying hard core the attributes of christ in pmg. especially patience.. i´m so bad at it. but after studying it and readying through book of mormon with patience in mind its helped me so much. the whole basis of patience is hope and faith and its so amazing how every attribute of christ is based on other attributes you really can´t have one without having the others. thats why its so important to not just come unto christ but to become like christ. 

I love you all alot alot alot. and I´m praying for yall.

p.s. can i have recipes of chesscake I know the gist i just forget which is 2 eggs and which is 1 egg. and then oatmeal pancakes, homemade syrup, cookies and a southern food that doesn´t need a lot of ingredients... and other fun easy recipes that just need a stove top.

love you lots thanks for the talks!! 

Madison and the neighbor and his puppy

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