May 28, 2013

Let rainy season begin

So where to start-- this week started the rainy season... I have a really nice foot tan already, but thats about it. Every night this week I have come home absolutely soaked. So I decided when people say you can´t be a cute missionary it isn't because of the clothes. its because of the sweat, and rain, and the walking you have to do. So I´m pretty homely looking every day but its fine. I love the work and barely look at myself..... haha.

Madison found a machete in their house and
bought a pineapple so she could use it.

Okay so last time I was in such a rush I forgot to just tell some facts. So our house.. Our house is nice. Its got a mini fridge and like a camp fire stove and its got a really nice closet and three beds... here's where the problem comes in. Its got a bathroom...with a shower and a toilet. The sink in there is broken, the toilet is reallly weak and doesn´t have a seat, the shower is a pipe and doesn't have a head. haha. So lets just say living on rice and beans I might've clogged the toilet TWICE now... that's a record. But I fixed it. hah. Its a great house though I love it. We have bugs everywhere, but mainly just moths, ants, and cockroaches. The view is gorgeous, it was kinda pretty... but kinda brown.. but now that its the rainy season its all so LUSH and just beautiful. I'll send pictures of scenery later. I'm going today to buy boots because its so rainy and my feet are so blistery and pruney haha. 

So our neighors.. i only know one. One is a sweet like little 2 yr old boy named Juan David. He always visits and terrorizes us. and then his sweet puppy lucas is always in our casa too. he's our little mascot. So what else. okay so fruit- I´ve tried some weird fruit lately.. one is called mamon it looks the size of a big cherry and you bite it take off the shell or outer layer and suck the meat off of the seed. then spit the seed. Its fun and pretty delicious. And then I ate this one I don't know what its called but its orange and hard and you suck out the seeds and meat from the inside looks like a dinosour or alien egg and you suck out the baby.. hahh. its SO good though. Today my smoothie was a banana papaya mango mmmm soo good.One investigator always gives us food and its delicious last time it was arrozconleche or rice and milk with cinnamon and it was AMAZING, not like rice pudding or anything i've ever had and the cinnamon was different too but so good. and then she gave us fried dulce.. which is like fried cake type think and then drenched in this savory sweet sauce.. idk how to explain it but mmm awesome. im going to come home so fat. its aweful. i mean we walk everywhere and we sweat alot alot so i'm hopeing it counteracts that... but who knows. The time is reallly flying by. this week was so fast. Oh okay so dogs and cats everywhere but here's the weird one.. frogs. zapos are EVERYWHERE and they're like squirrels they get runned over and there are just millions dead on streets. the squirrels here are bright orange and very pretty. and the iguanas are HUGE. anyway.. yeah.. so hope you liked the pictures.

So This week was an awesome week. we really kicked booty and worked really hard. So we have 6 people working on baptism. 2 sisters Diliana and Jada. Their mom is a recent convert and they used to hate the missionaries but we just went in and that first lesson they both accepted to be baptized. we're just awesome like that. they have such sweet spirits they are gorgeous and talented and i just can't wait to see whats in store for them as they continue on in the gospel and continue getting closer to the lord. Okay then we have Chuma and Geseña. Oh my sweet sweet chuma. he's 15 and he always listens and tries so hard i secretly think he loves hna ogletree but hes awesome and his mom is too. he brought his friends to listen to us and he's just awesome. I like how much work we can do and i like a challenge so i've really been teaching and testifying a lot and so far I'm like really proficient at the Joseph Smith story.
Madison is in a trio

 I love my trainer she's really awesome. So one day we worked on having the spirit and using that and learning what to say by that and I was able to testify and teach without any trouble. It was a really neat experience and this week I've been praying more for the gift of interpretation of tongues because if i can understand whats going on then i know i can figure out way to say what the spirits telling me. I have seen such a difference. I'm really able to participate more in this stuff. Okay so thus being said its still super hard. don't think i feel confident or comfortable with where i'm at. I have so much work to be done. I know that as i rely on the lord and keep working i will get better each day and that's all i care about. this goes with anything you want to think about- just focus on getting better and better and that's whats matters most. so yeah. we hit a record for our zone with lessons taught this week its 33. the record which they previously had was 28 so we're doing work and this week our goal is 36. We're just trying to teach and testify and let people know the truth and its paying off.

 So Wednesday we get to go to the BEACH! we live in the city part and most members live on the coast an hour away, so Wednesday we get to do service and have fhe at a members home a gringos home and i'm stoked! yesterday we had stake conference.. but for branches so its district conference. it was awesome i understood a lot and it was cool to see all the members. the temple president spoke and pres.wilkinson.  he's awesome he talked about who are we? and being of the tribe of Israel being the elect. its awesome. 

we have a sweet gringo family that gives us american treats on Sunday. this past Sunday was oreos and then at the activity at their house they have a box of food for us because they're moving back to the states in June and need to get rid of it.
i'm glad you shared those stories with the yw. its true the mission really is the hardest best thing.. in the world and as of right now even though i hate and love it and would tell anyone to accept the challenge and help others. 

okay so if you every send packages send name brand cereal, peanut butter and face wash.. its so expensive here. I already found the present i'm bringing home for griffen its a good one (:
And the address on my blog for letters is the address for packages in my call packet is the address for letters so they come quicker.
 Dad how FUN! I love it. and I can't wait to see the completed kitchen. Summer is going to be bomb. I wanna hear all about your fun times. Hallie and Mom get tan for me because its the rainy season til october.. so its just pruney madison. and griffen you smarty pánts you following in my footsteps! and yeah i love you all alot thanks for the prayers and know that i miss you and love you.
Study hard core in the scriptures the book of Jacob. what a great book in the book of mormon. I've done a week studying it. my scriptures look like a hot mess highlighted and notes and references.. its so awesome.

love yall. 

hna coburn

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