August 25, 2013


Aww daddy dear! Thanks for the email. It's so scary to think how fast time is flying I still have SO much to learn and SO much to do. I wish it'd slow down a little bit .... but at the same time I'd like it to speed up so I can help the people faster. 

And mom, wowwwwwzerzzz. What a letter! Missionary work is so important and the church is CENTERED around it. The purpose of the church is to do the saving ordinances   and so what better way to find and get more people with more Ward missionaries! That's so exciting!!  Oh and Bishop Sultan said in Thomasville they have 30 people with dates for baptism. I want the secret! Ask them what they're doing down there. haha

Okay so this week was amazing. So Tuesday we went to San Jose for a conference of just the sisters. It was so good. So first I got to see Hna Starke!! Oh how I  love that girl and it was so good to finally talk and hear how she's doing and everything (I hope we´re companions some day...) and then I got to see Hna Boer! and that was super awesome tooo! It was like a reuniĆ³n and so fun. Then the classes -wow- I learned so much and I felt the spirit all day. And really I decided I have so so so so much work to do because I'm so far from where I need to be spiritually in order to have the success that I know I can have and to really make Heavenly Father proud of me. 

So Pres.Wilkinson is literally one super inspired man.. like so close to the veil. Everything he says I just jaw drop in awe. He's going to be a seventy some day really soon. He taught us about how to be better women and we learned alot about the atonement. I know that Christ knows me and I know he loves me and I know that Heavenly Father listens to my prayers and answers them with exactly what I need.I'll have to tell you how I know all this in person when I get home. Its too awesome to write over email. But Dad I want you to know that the experience I had, you really helped me to understand this concept.
Okay so Wednesday we taught Michelle. And I love this girl. She's so sad and she's got a wall built up but every lesson we cut it down just a little bit more. She's feeling the spirit and I can see her changing and opening up to us! and I love being able to help her. We also had a Ward activity and we were able to play a fun game and talk about exact obedience. We also had our interview for Ernesto so he could be baptized on Sunday.
Thursday I fought with our Branch President. I was a real Smart alick and stubborn and then I ate some humble pie from Pres. Wilkinson  because he wants us to work better with our leaders even if they are in the wrong. Sometimes its better to be silent. 

So this happened in the morning and then this day I was really focusing on being humble and listening to the spirit. And then the miracles started happening. So I had prayered with all manner of heart to find a priesthood holder.. someone who could help fortify our Ward because all our leaders live on the coast so i want to baptize someone here and then we were walking and we weren't sure what to do and I got the feeling to see if this random guy we met once was home. So we talked to him and he's AWESOME. really Golden and he is pleading for help to quit smoking and so we're like super stoked with that. and I know that was a miracle and a direct answer to my prayer. Because of this my comps started calling me Liahona. So they asked where to go next. It was kinda like a game but it was super fun. I just had to listen to the spirit. So we went to visit a less active guy. we dont normally visit him and so we went and taught a lesson and then I got another feeling to ask just a simple question.. if he was having any doubts right now and he went off about how he wants to drop anything religious and just be his own Iglesias and have his own personal relationship with the Lord without a church.  It was so amazing to see how such a simple question opened up this guy because without it we would've left having not known and being ignorant to his real needs. Needless to say we bore our testimonies and expressed our opinion about how stupid that idea was and just stood strong on the imporatnce of a church and reading the scripturs and prayer and stuff like that. Okay so that was a super spiritual experience one of the first ones like this where i really focused on doing everything the Lord would have me do and focused on being humble and submissive and listening and focusing on our investigators.
So then on Friday we did splits. I went with Hna Johnson. The new gringo family and she served a mission so it was super cool. I went with her and we taught Alonso about... ley de castidad. It went well I thought and it was cool because I had to lead everything and I had the better Spanish so I had to really teach by the spirit so I could talk correctly and lead the lesson how the Lord would. Once we reunited we went to visit Michelle and we found Alonso's girlfriend who we keep asking where she lives and he never would tell us and then just by chance we found her and shes GOLDEN shes already been reading stuff that Alonso had been giving her. like the pamphlets and all.
Saturday i did divisions again but this time just me and Nicole our cook's daughter and that was fun i like being forced to work hard and work more in tune with the spirit.

 Sunday we had our baptism! and it was so so so beautiful. He's so awesome. Ernesto is 14 yrs. old. in one lesson this week we taught him about the atonement and about Christ and he was totally soaking it all in and then at the end we asked if he had any questions and he got super super quiet. and serious and he said yea.. one... why does everyone I know ask if you're my girlfriends and call y'all hot? We busted up laughing and then he was like why do y'all walk so fast.. well it makes sense because y'all are all so skinny. hah. and then our district leader at the end of the interview with him asked what we could do to be better and Ernesto answered with they are so good to me. They couldn't be better. I love this kid. And at his baptism his testimony was so sincere and so full of truth and he felt so pure and loved. It was just amazing.
Okay I love y'all so much! The church is true!
hna Coburn!!

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