August 27, 2013

Crazy Eyes

Oh my the new companionship is AMAZING.  We are on fire and the lessons are so spiritual. Hna Alvarado is a SUPER STAR.  She's so awesome and I love them both so much. I'm so proud of you and your hike and now all that's left is your triathlon this weekend!! You're going to do so well I know it! You're such an inspiration to me about not giving up! aww my daddy's awesome. and furthermore thanks for the pictures I love pictures a lot a lot. and the BEARS! how scary! how did you not freak out!! 

Okay so first Monday- I didn't end up having my hair cut by a fourteen yr. old.... but I did end up cutting it myself and with $5 scissors and it turned out okay.. not to shabby -  just a trim, a few layers and bangs, hahha.  It'll grown that's the good part.
my hair cut

Tuesday we have a sweet awesome zone conference and it started off by playing basketball for an hour! It was so good to run down the court and steal the ball from the elders.  I felt awesome... until I tried shooting... every time it would almost go in and then it would bounce out. Everyone kept saying I must be cursed because it wouldn't ever go in. Oh well it was fun. Then after this we had the opportunity to help out with the Dia de la Madre actividad. It was so fun and so we called and invited EVERYONE and then made little handouts and then helped set up. The thing was starting and they were freaking out saying we need plates and spoons and cups so me and Hna O did divisions and ran to the store and bought cups and then we got back and they were like we need juice, but we cant buy it. Ya'll have packets at your house right? So we were like uh... yeah but that's kinda like a 15 walk from the chapel. So they said take our bikes and let me tell you a bike made for a 6 foot man... and me in a pencil skirt did not work out as nicely as I would've liked.... i just prayed that people would think I was wearing white biker shorts and then the bike didn't have a break.. so at every cross street I had to skid to a stop using my feet. So me and Hna Ogletree looked like goofballs but we saved the day. We went to invite some people on our way back and I swear these boys were like those can't be the sisters.. they're on bikes! what?? but they ended up coming to the activity so it was worth it. Then we served the food. it was some real good food. and the goal was 80 people and we had like 125 people with 25 investigators. So it was super super successful! 

Dia De Las Madres
Then on Wednesday we went to our washerladies house to pick up our clean clothes.... and she was like I need to tell you sisters something.. its kinda embarrassing for y'all, but its because I love you and want the best for you. So I've had some people  come up to me and tell me that you and Hna Ogletree smell really bad and you guys don't dress like disciples of Christ and you girls have dirty shoes and are alwyas sweaty. So you need to do something about that. Then shes like and  Hna Ogletree I couldnt get the smell out of your shirt so I drenched it in bleach so the color isnt navy anymore its like grey (or better yet poop green - nasty grey).  Me and Hna Ogletree were like WHAT?? Where did this come from?? Who said this??? But she wouldn't tell us.  we were just laughing because we cant help´the sweaty problem... but the stinking problem.... well we both smell fine and really i put on so much deodorant and body spray that I smell more than fine I smell good. and our companion was like umm... I'm  with them all the time and they dont stink. So yeah it was really funny and now we have new nicknames. I'm smelly or in spanish olorocita and Hna O  is stinky or apestocita. haha. It's super chistoso and comico and its a great story but i don't understand where it came from. I think shes made it up because she knows we are  looking for a different laundry person. hah.

Okay Thursday we went to a new town and talked with this lady and she is super old and  has 14 kids and she is just super lonely right now and the light she had when we were talking and then when we started talking about Christ she just started to cry. I'm so excited to help her come to Christ. We started teaching English too.  That's  a hit! So that's super fun and awesome! 

FHE night with smores--well kinda (we did what we could)
So Michelle  is soo soo much happier! Its so great seeing the changes these past few weeks. I gave her a dress because shes prego and doesn't have money to buy maternity clothes so shes been sewing it to fit her and she decided to make us little bows. It's so cute because she smiles when she sees us now and she likes coming to church and she should be baptized in two weeks. It's just so so great! love that child.

painting service project
Okay we got a reference to go to this house and so we went and were we heard you wanted to talk to us and she was like yea i want you to teach my daughters English and we were like yea sure. and then we went by on Saturday and taught English and tried to sneak in some gospel stuff for these 8 and 9 yr olds and then when we walked out she was like can you teach my girls about Christ and take them to church. Then on Sunday when we walked them home they were like we want to be baptized with you! So such a miracle and we get to help this family so thats aweosme too! References are the best!

Okay so crazy eyes.. so one of our investigators Christian is a punk. And like a week ago he made a huge fuss about how my eyes are super scary and super penetrating and that he can't look at me because it's so piercing.. and so i was like awe.. bummer. my eyes suck. and then we went on a bus and this random guy was tlaking to us and he went to Hna Alvarado. wow your eyes are so nice and dark they're like my daughters and then to Hna Ogletree wow what pretty eyes you have they're so green and American and then he got to me... took one look jumped backward and then was like whoa... those are just .... uhh... piercing. haha. so then we were teaching Christian this week and he did it again and then his mom agreed. so idk whats happening but apparently i have demon eyes. hahah.

I use these bubble when we have good news, spiritual experiences, miracles--they're fun! I love bubbles!
Okay I love you all the church is true. we're finding so many new investigators and miracles are happening so that we can meet our goal of 6 baptisms this transfer. Thats what faith and hard work produce! 

Love ya 
Hna Coburn

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