August 9, 2013

Crazy Monday

So this week has been amazing, and random. and yesterday was awful so i didn't get to write but luckily president was nice even though he's not happy and gave us a little bit of time today to write to y'all. so this will be short and sweet and probably just the highlights.

This was the last week with my trio and we wanted to work extra hard. So Tuesday we really work and teach a lot of people but here's the sad part we had to drop Alexander. I was heart broken. The fact is he was heartbroken too but he was okay with it. Its really sad because he's in the world and doesn't want to leave it even though he knows the truth. It reminds me of lots wife. he can't stop looking back so he's not moving forward. hopefully some other missionaries can teach him and help him move away from the party scene.

Wednesday. okay so Diana was baptized on Sunday and we've been teaching her sister the same amount of time and so we were hoping her sister would be baptized too but she kept saying she wanted to feel more prepared (which is good but bad because we knew she was so prepared) She's so golden its not even funny. so this week with faith we planned to have a baptism and that it would be her baptism. so Wednesday we plan an awesome lesson really counting on the spirit. and we get to there and she's still on the way home so we teach her fam about temples. she comes in right near the end and so we finish and say any questions... and she says hi yeah i have a question..can i be baptized now. and we're like YES! so she says she was explaining our beliefs to a friend when she realized she should be a member already and how she knows its true and she just wants to go on a mission. she's so great. and so i was like yeaaa go on a mission (if she goes through the temple in exactly a year i can go through with her!) 

so I was really sick on Wednesday and Thursday and it was a weird sickness.. i was super cold and had a head ache and my body literally had no energy. so i wore a sweater all Wednesday.. in 95 degree weather.. hah. funny site to see. okay so Thursday after a nap i got feeling better and we went out a worked and so we we're supporting one of our investigators and she was dancing so hna bojorque was there and we were out doing divisions and its like 7:00 and really dark and we're at the end of the street in the dark and we're getting ready to pass by a house with a monster dog when the lights everywhere went out. we couldn't see our hands in front of our faces. pitch black. Luckily dad prepared me well and I had an awesome flashlight. we said a walking prayer  and quickly headed to a house of a member because its not safe to walk in the dark. so that was so scary and random and the lights didn't come back on til 9. it was like a movie all the lights in the whole part of town gone...nothing except for car lights. 

Friday... so after planning for the week we go to lunch. we come back to finish planning and i get up to go to the bathroom and our bathroom is FLOODED! and our bedroom is FLOODED! and everything is wet and gross.- the pipe that fills up the toilet broke and so we wasted time trying to fix that and did divisions again and this was so good for me. i went out with hna bojorque and we got to do two lessons. I lead this lesson with my broken spanish, and it was a growing experience and showed that i can do it i just need to have faith. it was good.

Saturday! Baptism. it was a beautiful baptism that couldn't be attended by many because of our branch pres..but its okay. we still had the baptism and saved a soul. 

Sunday- Sunday was awesome. Both Diana and Gabi got confirmed we got to go to their house for lunch and they're just so great. she said again she wants to go a mission it makes me so stoked. and then we got to go teach a few lessons. so we went over to gilmers house to teach him and alejandro about the temple because we have a temple trip coming up and his mom (the one who i wrote about last week with the evil spirit) starts off again. she just starts yelling into our lesson and call her sons awful and hypocrites and she then starts going off on our religion and shes lifeless in her eyes and literally the scariest thing for me to experience because she literally is accompanied by an evil spirit and she is blaspheming out the wingwang and it was awful i had to pull hna bojorque and hna ogleetree away from fighting with her because their is no point-- she has a problem. but then we got to talk to gilmer and alejandro and explain that in some cases you can't obey your parents and that they need to keep reading the book of mormon and the bible and keep attending church with us and staying strong. i worry about this house hold and hope that she leaves soon. and so after wards we go and we realize we lost our keys. were looking everywhere.. finally i go up and climb over a ledge and climb into our part of the apartment and then ask the neighbors and they said they found the keys. so random because asking them hadn't come into my mind.. i just did it. ha. the lord answers prayers.

sorry this is short and not detailed. the church is true. the lord loves us. keep up the good work. 

mom i'm so impressed and super jealous of your dirt cheap trip. i want to see everything and have everything haha. i might get changed this week so well see about that. i love you all soooooo soooo much!! gotta go. 

oh and this is what happened Monday. the sister training leaders planned an activity for two zones and it was 3hrs away and then we got up at 5 and started our travels to be there by ten but then the bus was wrong and then the activity was only for an hour and then they gave us the wrong bus times so we got back and had to just get to work. hah.

okay. bye. love yo.

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