May 2, 2014

One Year

Well first off this past thursday marked my one year in the mission!! I cant even fathom this information.. i only have 4 changes. 6 fast sundays. 259,200 minutes left of my mission. I am just freaking out a little bit because i love the mission. alot. hah. its the bomb.

Okay so this week we were able to have 47 lessons.

We had a lesson with a member on monday.. she tried to throw eggs at us to get us back for giving her a fake cake... 

Saturday morning for conference we made breakfast and ate with the other sisters. Then the gringos brought snacks for us during conference. can anyone say pumpkin chocolate chip cookies!?! ha. It was like if i had been at home. 

Ana and Cristian! Okay so Monday we had a lesson at the house of a member... (the one from the story above). And it was amazing. Ana was able to hear more stories that are helping her have less fear of marriage. And Cristian was able to pay attention and meet a friend that is as goofy as him. Then let me just tell you we gave Ana the goal to marry before the 13th so that she could be baptized that day.. and we told her to pray about it. Well Ana had a really special experience and really different than anything i've ever heard. So on Saturday we were watching conference with her and then after taking notes and listening with all her heart she went and asked to talk to the bishop. My companion and I went outside and were just meditating and pondering  the messages from the morning session. I was just praying and started praying that i didn't care if i was here when Ana and Cristian get baptized, just that it happens and that they don't get lost. I hope that they are well and that they just have the happy life that the Lord and this gospel brings. Well as Ana walked out an hour lady she came up and said "well. the bishop is going to baptize us on the thirteenth. and so were going to need two witnesses for our wedding.." and we were just speechless. 

Andres! HE GOT BAPTIZED. This little 11 year old is more converted and understands more about repentance than any other person. He expressed some things from his past and then when he prayed, he pleaded and begged for forgiveness from our Heavenly Father. I haven't felt anything as strong as the spirit in that moment. Ater his baptism he was just glowing.Funny side note: His pants were too big so we used a tie as a belt. it was ´pretty funny. you do what you gotta do.

Cesar. He gave up drinking. When he won a partido and the premio was beer he asked for a soda and when all his friends made fun of him he just went home. He's changing so much and this big old drug dealer is going to be baptized this coming Sunday! I am so excited for him and excited to see him lead this church in amaainzg ways! 

Conference!!! OH MY GOSH! every single talk impacted me in a different way. It was aamazing watching and listening and I am so grateful that we have a Prophet and apostles and leaders in the church. I loved the talk by Bednar and by Corbridge and i loved the talk by President Monson. and the talk by Neil L. Anderson and Holland and Richard G. Scott and the sisters that spoke. It was just an amazing amazing conference weekend. One of the most direct and spiritual conferences that I've heard in a long time! 

I love this work I love the lord. He spoils me so much. I have seen so many miracles! 

love you all! 


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