January 28, 2014


So first. TELL EVERYONE.. Only send letters AND packages to this new address!!!   
Costa Rica San Jose.
Apartado Postal 249-2010
San Jose, Costa Rica

Okay so this week was amazing and sad, but amazing. hah.
So Tuesday an investigator cut off his bananas from his front yard and at a carwash where

Making the Smoothies

he works DURING the lesson.. He leaves and comes back with milk, ice, sugar, and a blender and tells us that its time he gives us a real sweet treat. So we ended up getting smoothies in a carwash... on the fly. It was really cool!

So on Wednesday night we got the changes... My comps were getting 2 new comps.. and I was leaving... to be in a trio... with HERMANA STROUD (from Nicoya) and HERMANA WORKMAN! a TRIO OF GRINGOS! in SAN CARLOS! thats where my branch president is from.. so thats pretty cool... BUT I WAS GONNA BE WITH HNA STROUD! I WAS LIKE ITS A DREAM! MY BESTIE IS MY COMP! hah. .  . .this story to be continued.. 

 So I said goodbye to Santa Cruz on Thursday. Lots of people were crying and it was one of the saddest things I've ever had to do BUT I told everyone that I would come back in December.... sooo... I have to come back in December.. So that's the good part!  It was really hard though and one of our investigators started cryying and then illegally gave me a big hug,... hah. I was not okay with that , but what do you do after 9 months in an area. The saddest part was that Ana and Anita and Kelvin and Cristofer weren't there when I went to say goodbye so i had to say goodbye over the phone. I was literally almost in tears as I heard them crying over the phone.... it was the hardest thing ever. But I got on  a bus and went to San Jose. As we get to san Jose to the house where we sleep I see Hna Stroud and we are jumping and screaming and freaking out that we are going to be comps!! Then my district leader calls again..... and this is what he says.. .did you hear the rest of the changes... I was like no.... what... and he was like .. umm.... nevermind see you at the temple.

So in San Jose in the morning we went to the temple and WOW the temple was so peaceful and a great place to think. 

 So I know nothing about San Carlos.. but I'm so excited.. and then we rush off to the meeting with Elder Quinton L Cook.  So we are sitting there waiting for Elder Cook and I'm sitting and chatting with hna Ogletree and it was so great when all of a sudden President calls me up to him on the stand.  I go up there and he's like.. hna. first did the AP's talk to you yet.. I was like no... why... he was like You're not in that companionship really.. your comp is coming.. she's brand new and you're training and you're area is a whitewash.. So you're going to take the spot of the elders there previously.  And you'll have to train and learn where and how that area works.. I was like are you joking... haha. i can't do that.. And he's like yes. yes. you can.. then he looks at me and is like.. oh and by the way I need you to lead the music for this conference with Elder Cook! So I would be standing like not even 2 feet from Elder Cook for at least 6 minutes (with the opening and closing song)  So Elder Cook gets there and he's like I want an interview with everyone of you... so come shake my hand and look me in the eyes... so i  got to shake his hand and look him in the eyes and it was just incredible the spirit and presence that he has! and then we also had the seventy Elder Amado. The talks were really short because they ran late but they were so incredible.  We got promises of success and we learned a lot about love and a lot about the Lord and the special witness that a Prophet and Apostle are. It was just an amazing conference.

Then we left for our area... with no small miracle of fitting 5 huge suitcases. three girls and about 5 little bags into a tiny taxi that they have here... It was really a miracle and the taxi guy was like it won't fit.. but we made it all fit and we didnt even have to sit on each others laps. Then he said my car won't work with all this weight. I promised him as a representative of Jesus Christ that the Lord wants us to get to our area and that he will bless him for helping out his servants and that is exactly what happened.. the Lord allowed us to get there safety without problems and in good time.

MY NEW AREA! first off. It's green and has mountains and volcanoes and rolling hills and it's just so pretty.  Our chapel is HUGE and its just so fresco here. It's cold in the mornings and cold at dark or at night but during the day it's a nice warmness medio hotness. The biggest blessings are that 1. I HAVE HOT SHOWERS!!!!!!!!! i literally cried when i went in and not just had a warm shower but a full on HOT shower!!! then 2. WE HAVE A REAL WASHER AND DRYER IN MY APT. and we get HOT CLOTHES! I wanted to cry again. this new area will be a huge chagne and a real adventure because I don't know anything and I'm training.  But I'm so excited for the newness and for what the Lord has in store for me. I know that this is the true church. I know that The Lord  has a plan for each and every one of us and that he really cares for us and he cares about what we do and how we feel.  I get to wear sweaters now and have hot showers and I get to do my hair even though i still have this ugly hair cut. I have great companions for now and tomorrow I will be picking up my brand new companion  that I'm training from COLUMBIA!  It's all so new and exciting and scary.

Hugging our warm clothes fresh from the dryer

I love the Lord. The church is true. The book is blue and I love you.

Hna Coburn

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