May 2, 2013

April 17th

 I love it all! I love the emails. I love the pictures - thanks! I feel like i'm back home with you. I am so sorry if this seems unorganized or if it seems brief i'm trying to be fast with lots of people waiting for a computer.. 

okay, So last Wednesday after lunch we went to the temple and we were supposed to be teaching Pedro that night so I went to the temple with that in mind. I really wanted to say something to effect him and to help him out! As I was in the temple I just knew it would be okay, the Spanish would work out and that the spirit would be there. I felt so calm. So we went in there and we were talking about following Christ and how it is to be like Christ and the characteristics needed, and then we just asked why do you keep letting us come? What are you expecting. And then he said," He wants to become more like Christ and to be happier and for his family to be happier." so I just said then why haven't you been baptized yet? He told me its because it was too hard. So we just said what's too hard? We heard his problems and we just encouraged and told him that through Christ you could overcome it. Then we asked him to be baptized, he was still hesitant. So I just pushed a little more. With Faith its possible, if you have the desire then act. Its okay that its going to be hard because its so worth it! And then he said yes and we said does May 11th work for you and he said he would try to be worthy and ready by that time. I told him that we would be with him the whole time! And that he can pray at any time for help as well! It was so great and I really felt the spirit guiding me and helping me with my Spanish. Pedro is a great guy. 

Okay so Pedro is FAKE. He's one of our teachers.. So far we've just had brother Goodman but now we have two starting from last Friday. So here's the deal. We weren't supposed to know he was going to be our teacher but we did so we wrote VOTE FOR PEDRO on the board when we knew he was coming in to teach. hahah. it was hilarious. 

Okay now for a few more funny stories. Our funny friend Elder Blegen one day stopped study time and said, "Guys I've had a revelation... If Queso means Cheese and Dia means Day.. then QuesoDia means CHEESE DAY!" We all just sit and stare and then we just say umm..... welll actually its quesodiLLa.. he was so disappointed. At like 9:00 everyday we are so spiritually drained that we literally get loopy!! So one day Hermana Starke just starts telling the story of Bethany Hamilton like it's her best friend. She just spent like 20 minutes telling the plot to the movie Soul Surfer. It was so FUNNNY I died. Oh me and Hna Starke are twins btw. We do so many things the same without even realizing it. Then there is our district phrase "Somos Marshall". Elder Marshall is our District Leader. He is SO AWESOME and we all want to be like him! So we say WE ARE MARSHALL. Like the movie, but its in Spanish  so clever huh. He's the one whose in the middle of our pictures looking like a boss. And then there is food time. During any meal me and hna Boer always eat bites of EVERYONES food. We take little bits and its hilarious! They always get so mad. Its almost always when they aren't looking or aren't by their food. So one time hns Boer wanted to take Elder blegens cookie and so she asked Elder Chamberlain to pass it to her while he was gone getting a drink, as Elder Chamberlain was passing it he missed her hand and dropped it in the Ranch dressing and in a moment of panic since Elder Blegen was coming back She shoved the ranch cookie into her mouth and then she put the rest of it back. It was DISGUISTING! so gross. I literally didn't understand how that happened. Then every Saturday we do Swoll Saturday! Its funny. I'll send a picture of our representation of it at the temple with spiritually swoll Sunday. hahaha.

okay so Sunday we had Mary Edmunds talk to us at relief society. She was so funny and spiritual. Here are some quotes "He knows us. He is Happy, cheerful, lively, and when you have his spirit, YOU ARE HAPPY." "God knows your capacity, he will move mountains to help you." " The spirit teaches-that is the language of teaching". "All you can do is the best you can do.

did you know 44% of people at the MTC are sisters.


Tuesday we did TRC (teaching resource center) We go and teach members so we can practice teaching. And so we taught this cute old lady in Spanish and then we taught a teacher in Spanish. It was so great. I was so nervous but Spanish isn't bad at all. Then we had decided to be in the choir and we were singing "Nearer my God to Thee. It's so pretty - did you know it has to do with Jacob and Easaw... yep so interesting. I'll write it out in a letter cause i'm running out of time. and then we knew this was a crazy awesome song so we knew that the devotional  would be someone special. And Zthen we had saved seats since we were singing at it that night and then we found out RICHARD G SCOTT was speaking. And it WAS AMAAZZZINGGG!! I'm going to write you a letter about what he talked about but lets just say I was so inspired and touched and the spirit was so thick. No one talked at all during it, which is weird. And then he gave us an Apostolic Blessing and it was an intense one. Then he ended his talk, but as the prayer was about to start he got back up and said some more things. It was so amazing.  If there is anyway you can find it i would read it yourself. It's awesome and his spirit and love for us and his Savior was so strong!! 

So I love you. You are awesome MOM. Dad I love you!! I love the Spansih you always end with it' the best! Thanks for sending me that stuff its so nice! we get 4 new roommates today.I love you all a lot!

Griff don't forget to look for your present. and Hallie I'm glad you gave blood. And its so neat about Lauren! I heard that story and was SOOO excited that my friend found her!! 

Some scriptures for yall

Alma 5, Nephi 31, DC 6, Alma 26, DC 42!! 

I miss you more than you know. I am so grateful for you and for your support and love and examples. I am excited for you to be out here!! And I hope you fix this grammar and organization when you post this on my blog.  :)

Hallie-keep on sending those snap chat pictures!!! Love you!!

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