April 13, 2013

First email home

April 10, 2013
First Day
 HAPPPPYY BIRTHDAYYY MOM!! Its been weird not being able to just tell you that on your birthday and that I have to be late saying it. Sorry for that. Okay so Hii. Obviously my p-day (preparation day) is Wednesday!! Finally get to talk to you. I'm going to break down the week for you its been full of up and ups and so many spiritual experiences. I'm hoping since I type fast that I can get it all down. Can you forward this to the siblings, I don't' remember their emails very well.

MTC Companion- Hermana Boer
 Wednesday- It was so awesome coming to the MTC, I got my badge and as I already said I'm companions with Hermana Joce Boer (if you wanna creep on fb you can). I thought I'd be overwhelmed but you know... because of the excitement I was just itching to start and get to work. I found my room we have three roommates (two going to OK Spanish speaking and one going to Cali Spanish speaking). They're pretty cool. So we got straight to work and went to classrooms and my substitute teacher only spoke Spanish. I picked up like 10% of what she said haha. But overall it was awesome.  We have 4 elders going to the Cooliacon (idk how to spell it) mexico mission, 2 elders going to the Tooliato Mexico mission, and then there are 4 sisters going to Costa Rica. I love my district we're awesome. So yeah, moving on with the week because I wrote you and nothing had really  happened except I found out me and Hermana Boer are like super close and super similar.

 Thursday- So we get up at 6:15 normally and we have personal study, Language study, and other stuff like that. We got to meet our Zone today and we got to meet our REAL teacher Brother Goodman.  He is so patient and so amazing and today I real experienced the gift of tongues. I was able to understand like 75% of what he said ALL day. It was crazy awesome. I may not have been able to speak it but I can understand it. Oh okay so let me back up so I can tell you an experience I had this day. So Wednesday I didn't see Hannah at all.. I was waiting and hoping and praying that I would.. but it didn't  happen. So that night I prayed that I would just get to see her and say hi if its His will, you know kinda like a tender mercy that I just really wanted to happen. So yeah, Thursday morning after breakfast I was going to put my tray away and I looked and I see this cute girl with long hair sitting at this table and I just knew it was Hannah. So I went over and got in her line of sight and she just squeals and starts crying. She told me she'd been having a hard week and that she just wanted to see me because she knew it would all be okay. So then we talked and found out the coolest thing -we were neighbors!! Its been such a blessing for that. Okay so yeah then Thursday we met our branch presidency. They are so awesome, two of the three speak Spanish fluently. So that's cool.

Friday- Today was a fantastic day, the most notable thing I can tell you is today was the day we were to teach our first lesson. We learned that our investigator was named Pedro, and that he had 2 kids and a wife and that he had met missionaries before and yet, nothing really came from it. So we decided we'd teach on the atonement and the power of gods love for you. Okay so super scary right? but no, me and Hermana Boer studied it our and really planned and worked hard to learn the words and verbs we needed for this lesson and then we just kept praying all day long. We felt peace. So we go in there and it was honestly like a miracle because he talked fast and yet we could understand him but Hermana Boer prayed first and then I gave the lesson and then we both went on to bare our testimonies (I taught about a 15 minute lesson in Spanish!!!) I felt the spirit so strong and I know that the Lord was helping me with what to say, I know that it was the gift of tongues because we all know I knew no Spanish and then only had 3 days of learning Spanish before this. But yeah super awesome experience!! Okay so afterwards Hannah came and told me she had her travel plans to go to Spain on Thursday - so exciting! So I went to her room to go see her roommate and get cookies and talk that night and I see one of her roommates and just know that I know her from somewhere... So I'm like where ya from - I know you. She told me she's from NJ and I was like, you visited my ward I know it. She was like where are you from and I was like GA, she was like idk.. I was like you were visiting family and came to our ward she was like, oh my you're from FAYETTEVILLE! You were the only one to talk to me that day, and welcome me. I can't believe how small the world is and what an impact one act of kindness can do.
Sister from NJ
 Saturday- Okay so Conference was really spiritually and I loved being here in the MTC for it. I literally can't express how much of a neat experience this has been and has influenced me and truly made a mark on my life. I am so grateful for that!

Sunday- Happy Birthday mom. my district sang to you.. btw.. okay so  again conference was great. Monson and Perry's talks about obedience were awesome. I know that obedience brings blessings and that strict obedience brings miracles. We had a vocal point fireside. I loved it. I miss music so much. I wanna sing and I found my husband btw in vocal point....Bryce Romney I think. He's awesome at singing.

OKAY I love you lots. And I miss you. I've seen so many people here and I love it. So much reunioning. I run a lot and I eat a lot. Food is good--well the icecream and cookies.

Stefan congrats on doing so well on your test imma reply by letter to you.. not enough time on computer same to you hallie and krista..Do I have any mail at home? Just forward it to me porfavor :)

Tell me all about your lives!. Mail is a blessing and brightens my day. I love getting mail. Can you repost my adddress and blog on my status.


WEDNESDAY P-DAY and email time is like almost always around 8:30-8:40 my time..


Jaden (Krista's old roomate) is in my Zone 

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