March 26, 2013

I've always wanted to go on a mission. I watched my brothers come home from their missions and I knew even though I had to wait until I was 21 that I wanted to go on a mission. This was a goal I set for myself as I was very young and there was a real desire I had to serve. But then I went to college and I wasn't so sure I could make it to 21 without being married. To kind of put things into perspective, this week on facebook I saw an article from Business Insider about the top 25 Colleges whose students were hot and smart and BYU was number one. So here I was boy crazy with tons of smart, attractive, mormon boys all around me. And even though I was only 18 and had a long way to go til mission age I really started thinking what was going to do with my life. Was I supposed to be throwing myself into my education, preparing to get married, or preparing for a mission. And I couldn't get my head wrapped around what I was going to do. So in September I started pondering what I was supposed to do with my life, what did God have planned for ME? I had been raised that when you have a question you pray about it and search out all the options having faith that your prayer would be answered. We've  all heard the scriptures ask and ye shall recieve knock and it shall be opened unto you. So here I was not sure why I wanted to know this now since 21 was years away but I knew I just had to pray in faith and I would have an answer from God. 

And a few weeks went by and I still didn't have a clear answer. So Then General Conference weekend was coming up and I remembered how my Uncle Joe taught me that if I go into conference with a question, truly desiring an answer, and having faith-that someone would say something that pertained to my question. So that's what I did. I Started that Saturday morning session wondering If I was supposed to go on a mission and if I needed to prepare for that. So there's a group of us in the Lobby of our building watching conference and President Monson starts talking about the Boys Mission age and I'm thinking that's great, like so awesome for them. And then our feed starts buffering and freezes and comes back when he's talking about senior couples going on their missions. Right then, my phone starts buzzing like crazy and a girl runs out of her dorm and says, "Did you hear that? Can you believe it?" and we're all sitting there like WHAT? and she said,  "Girls can go on missions at age 19 rather than at age 21. My roommate Hannah starts bounding down the stairs tears filling her eyes and she just looks at me and says, "Madison your going on a mission!" I immediately knew that was what I was going to do. The Holy Ghost testified to me the moment I heard of the age change that I would be going on a mission and that I would be going on a mission as soon as possible. I was so full of Joy and Peace. And as I read the texts I had received, it appeared that everyone else had the confirmation from the spirit telling them I was going on a mission as well, even though they were all in  different places. 
My dad in San Fran , My mom and younger siblings in GA, My siblings all spread about Provo, all sending texts like "so when are you papers going in?" "and guess you better start preparing for that mission".  I later found out that my Grandma in Idaho- knew as that announcement was made that it would be affecting me, that I was going to be leaving to go share the gospel of Christ. My grandpa in Provo later told me, that
 he Jumped up to check my birth date and see when I'd be able to put my papers in for my mission. My mom later told me that it reminded her of how Joseph Smith said, "I knew it and I knew God knew it and I could not Deny it." the Holy Ghost confirmed and spoke to everyone in my family telling them I was going on a mission. And this is so crazy. You know because I'm not the only one who had a profound experience with this announcement. Girls all over the world, had their prayers answered. And thats  what is so neat. This general announcement effected everyone so personally. And that's how the Gospel of Christ is, It's so general that it works for everyone yet its Tailored for each of us specifically. As soon as I could I texted my Bishop telling him I needed an interview for my mission papers to get started. I knew I needed to start as soon as possible and so I worked and finished all of my appointments and information on my papers so that by the time I had my stake president interview I was at exactly 120 days til my 19th birthday. And then two weeks later getting my call to the Costs Rica San Josè mission Reporting to the MTC on April 3rd. I could not be happier! I know I am called there for a reason and that God knows me personally.  I love this gospel and I can't wait to share it with the people of Costa Rica. 

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