May 5, 2014

Only a Stonecutter

Okay so this week-- we were trying real hard to get really great numbers because we have to work to win a trip to the temple. its like working and winning a trip to the Bahamas. we will do whatever we can. hah. But no really its because we are finding so many new people and we want everyone to have the truth. and there's so many neighborhoods and parts of the area that we haven't taught yet. We decided to change up the work a little bit.

First off we started teaching teaching someone named Juan Carlos. He works at a pizza shop. He's a great guy. He really makes us laugh and he understands the gospel really well. His mom is super catholic. and his dad is super Jehovah witness. so needless to say he knows the bible really well. He's really educated in  religion and he has a lot of our basic doctrine as his background. But he's lost a lot of faith in our Heavenly Father because he is attracted to men. and has a boyfriend and feels happy. He knows its wrong and knows he will be tried for his sins. Its incredible because we have taught him twice before this week and he has always just talked about this point and we don't really get anywhere because he doesn't trust God because he feels Heavenly Father made him this way and that Heavenly Father should accept him like that. BUT this week we decided to take control and we decided to start and teach him like anyone else who has trials and problems in there life and who doesn't completely feel the love of our merciful Heavenly Father. This lesson was so incredible that he told us he would pray (which he's never done before). He said that all that we teach makes sense and has reason and so we have been able to help him realize the importance of ONE true church. I am so happy for him because I know that as he reads the book of Mormon and prays and goes to church he will see a difference in his relationship with our Heavenly Father and will gain a testimony and gain the faith needed to luchar contra cualquier desafio que tendrá en el futuro. 

Okay So Antoni. He's reading and he's really understanding when we teach. He's been able to make progress really fast. One of the things that is exciting is that he made the hard decision and closed his negocio so that he could go to church yesterday. It was a really hard decision for him to make but then he went to church and felt the spirit so strongly that is was incredible. He is going to be closing his store on Sundays until after 12 so that he can go to church.. And soon i know that he'll close it the whole day to really keep the Sabbath day holy. He's going to be a baptism soon.

Okay Marielos!! I'm so excited for her! She went to church yesterday with Fabrizio and we had a lesson with her on Saturday. It was a great lesson. She now understands the importance of the book of Mormon and as i've been able to teach her about it, I have been able to find my testimony growing and growing. I know the book of mormon is true. Also Marielos is one of the only people that really makes me happy eating her food. Its like normal people food. We had mexican soup on Saturday and it was really good. i loved it. and i'll def be making it in our house.

Okay so on Friday I did Insanity. and then on Saturday we did Insanity. okay so my body is like jello right because i've run and all but not done stuff that has killed me so much like insanity did. So me and my comp are dead. We are at the end of the month and don't have that much money either and there are no buses on Sunday to an area where we had to go. So on Sunday this is what happened... we had to go to this area at 8 to wake people up and help them ride a taxi to church. its about 7 miles or so away from the house. and so we are dead.. and so we left at 6:50 and start our trek. We literally were blessed by the lord and i could only think of the movie from the doctrine & covenants- Only a Stonecutter, Because he didn't have a leg and he still did the work of the lord. So as we come to a hill that's steeper than steep we start praying (because we literally had no strength) and i don't know how, but we got up the hill in record time and we walked all the way there and made it there by 8 o'clock. Needless to say I am so grateful that the Lord gives us strength because then after church we had to walk all the way about 4 miles away to a visit and then walk back to make it to another appointment. The lord strengthens the weary. hah.

Okay so we are in a house reading the book of Mormon when a BAT enters and starts to attack us! it was so crazy flying all around with us screaming and the dad trying to hit it with the book of Mormon. it was a moment in my life that i will never forget.

We started teaching a jew on Friday. Its so fun. I love the work because he's started to see how his religion is like ours but that ours answers all of his questions. 

We have been really blessed by the Lord this week and I know that he is with us. This is his will and this is his Work. and I know that the work here is progressing only because He has prepared the people and sent those missionaries before us to prepare these people too. This Sunday we got to see the baptism of the little sister of Catalina. Her name is Jennifer. She is so cute and so dedicated to the gospel. Her baptism was linda and her sister got confirmed and it was just a super special day for all of them.

Another thing is that at church with three of our investigators and there was also a lady and her daughter that came and we were so shocked because normally people don't just show up.. so we went and talked to her and she said that she was baptized 10 yrs ago. and that she saw that we've been visiting her neighbors and so she decided to come and she wants to become active again and so that her children can be baptized too. It was a miracle because we've never even seen her before and she just felt the spirit enough to come to church and return and that's something that is hard for all of us. 

I love you all!! 
Have a greattttt weeeeeeeeek!!! 

May 2, 2014


The Lord loves to spoil me and my comp. We love it here in San Carlos and more than that we love working together. we are twins in every aspect. hah. So our prayers were answered and I got to stay for this next transfer!! 

Easter was great. people told us it'd be hard to find people to teach because here Easter is a week vacation and is a time to party (its like spring break. hah) but its been a week full of success. 

1. Catalina was baptized! im so proud of her because she knows and is understanding so much of the book of mormon and really she is learning. Her little sister and her mom are preparing to be baptized.. I think Cesar (who was baptized last week) will be baptizing her little sister this coming week!!

2. We have these things called LPEs. right. well i like to be the best and i talk big.. so i might've accidentally started a competition with the assistants (who are the best elders in the mission). Humbly i'm here to say that i have lots and lots to learn from them because at the end of the week when we got 130. i thought wow!! We have to have won! The mission standard is 70. But as we asked the first pair of assistants they said... 145 and then the second pair of assistants said 251... i don't know how but we are working really hard this week to get 300.... i want to be the very best. like no one ever saw... yes this is part of the pokemon theme song but its the only way to express the feelings of my heart. 

3. One story super awesome with that LPE.. we were walking and talking to everyone and we pass a guy on his cell phone.. we were like okay lets go talk. So we walk up and start with a stupid question (because its the easiest way to break the ice). So i'm like where is the cemetary?... he's like oh look you can see it from my porch. So we go and we talk and it's just awesome because he starts telling how he walked out of his house because he wasn't feeling well. He was feeling really sad and alone and then we show up and testify of Christ, giving him a Book of Mormon. He held that book like it was worth more than gold (which it is.) and just kept saying with tears in his eyes "thank you".  I know that he will be baptized in three weeks time. because he is really prepared for the gospel at this time.

4.Otra LPE. okay so Antoni's story- We love smoothies. They are just so yummy. so we go and we always pass by this same smoothie place and once in a while we love to treat ourselves and buy a smoothie. This day we go and we buy a smoothie and start talking to the cashier and well my first joy was that he said my accent sounds like his friend from Brazil and he wanted to know if i was Brazilian. hahaha. I was like why thank you i try. hah Then we start talking for real and a light appeared in his eyes as he gives us our smoothie and we gave him a Book of Mormon. and invited him to church. Okay well this morning at 8 am we went a gave him a lesson because it was the only time that he could have us over. So we teach him and it is just incredible the spirit in this lesson. He wants to learn more before accepting a date for baptism. but i have no doubt because he's already reading so much of the Book of Mormon that he will be wanting to be baptized so soon. 

5. Luis Gerardo, a friend of one of our members,  just showed up started reading the book of mormon. told us he's ready and wants to be baptized. He came to church and loved it. He is deciding to move here because he lives 4 hrs from here and wants us to teach and baptize him as soon as possible. I love working with the members!! 

6. Mama de fabrizio. okay so she is the funniest person alive. I love her. We are like best friends even though she's older. So we teach her a lesson and the interaction between her and Fabrizio is the funniest thing in the world. She acts like the teenager and he acts like the parent. He tells her she will be damned because she's not baptized and she sticks her tongue out and says "that's fine i'm not holy enough to make it to heaven anyways". But their bond is so strong because she's divorced and he's the oldest child. It was just a really spiritual lesson. In the end we challenged her to baptism and at first jokingly she said.. i LOVE to swim, I love the beach, I love the water. I would love to go into your font right now and be baptized by Fabrizio. haha, But then she got serious and said "if Heavenly Father tells me i should do it, i know that its the right path and i know that i should do and i will do it and I know that i will feel something i've never felt before". it was amazing. i'm excited for her and her son because he gets to help his mom receive the truth. 

7. Hna Zapata and I had 130 lps with 47 lesson and we really were just blessed by the lord. One night walking and talking in a desolate highway we were praying that we could make it to next appointment on time and ... magically a taxi appeared and gave us a free ride. i know that the faith and prayers of two people with the same purpose and firmeza are always answered. i love working with her and i couldnt be happier here. The work is moving forward and nothing can stop it. 

 This is the true Church of our Lord and Savior. He organized a church when he was here. And this church and organization is PERFECT. there is not one thing that isn't how it should be so that we can progress and become perfected. I know that my Savior and My father love me so much. That this love that they have for me is power because I know that through faith and obedience to them I can do anything. I have no doubts. and I have no fears about what is to come because I know that the test ahead of me is nothing in comparison to the power behind me.  I know that the savior heals the broken hearts that sometimes we have. I know that through his power i can better my weaknesses and make them strengths. I know that I am a Daughter of a King and with that I am endowed with Power from on high. I know that the book of Mormon is the word of God and that as we read this book we also receive more power. I have never been more sure of the book of Mormon than I am everyday as I read from its pages and apply what I learn. That is the way we should study the scriptures. applying what we learn. I love this gospel. I am so happy here in the mission even if I have to walk miles and miles everyday with a super heavy backpack full of book of Mormons because I want everyone to receive the happiness and joy that i have and I will do what it takes to help them receive it. 

Love you all!! 
Keep the Faith.
Never Give up. He is with us. 

Hna Coburn

Last week

okay so lets start with Cesar- this whole week we were preparing him for baptism. We were calling every night to see how he was doing with his drinking and smoking and mujeres.. haa. and he's great. He really has changed a TON. and it was just an amazing week going to visit him with a new member from a different part of Costa Rica, his name is Luis Diago and boy is he an amazing member. He was baptized about 8 months ago and came and did so many visits with us and helped us out so much because he explained how he used to do drugs and how he changed so much and has been able to withstand all the temptations through Jesus Christ and his atonement. I really was grateful for his testimony and it helped Cesar be less nervous to be baptized. But the funniest is that Luis is a little bit like Stefan.. like skinny and well he's like a little bit taller than me. and Cesar is a BIG guy.. and well Cesar had so much confidence in Luis that he chose this little guy to baptize him. It was an amazing baptism and it was so great to see someone so converted to the gospel to give up everything that they have known their whole life. It'll be great to have a big tattooed ex-alcoholic in our ward because he's helping us teach his druggy friends from his neighborhood. i think we might be able to create zion with his help in that area. hahahah. but seriously could happen. 

Monday we had a party with Ana and Cristian. They were suppose to propose and get married but it just turned into a 10 yr anniversary party of being together (but not together) and then Ana was uncomfortable the whole time and they decided not to get married. Its been rough but I know they will get baptized soon they just have to let the atonement into their lives a little bit more so that he can heal their "marriage". The party made me feel weird because they had a serenade come and we just listened to worldly spanish love songs for a good bit... not sure what to do....haha. but, it was fun. 

Wednesday we got a nice good chastening talk from Pres. Wilkinson and in the most loving way too. He also only did it by teaching us doctrine. It was the most impressive thing I've ever heard. He is an amazing teacher and even though we got chastened and I got my interview after I was able to take all the feedback and use it for good. From that moment on me and Hna Zapata put our efforts to the max and had 45 lessons and had 89 lpes (which means like street contact medio lessons) and we got new investigators and really worked with the members and just had one of the most successful 4 days of my mission with some days having 10 or 12 lessons. hah. it was really cool to see how teaching doctrine brings the spirit and then helps us change so much. It was a great reminder to not get satisfied with doing well.. but always looking to do the best and progress and be better.

We get to teach 2 young jovenes and they are awesome. Their families are really devoted to their churches but they are doing all the can to know if this is the real church of Jesus Christ. They are reading and praying and coming to church. One of them, Daniel, is really special. He has a really sincere heart. I am really impressed with these people that are looking for the truth and will do whatever they can to find it. 

it has started raining like crazy here... but it was only two days straight of rain and rain.. hah. its supposedly nothing because they have tormentos aqui. but i was impressed it was lots of rain but no thunder or lightening. 

my trainer goes home this Thursday.. its so crazy to me. and we won't find out about changes until maybe tonight or tomorrow. but i asked and begged president for one more change with hna zapata. i love working as hard as we can together. its a blessing. 

fabrizio is sharing the gospel with his mom. its amazing. he may have a few problems with his doctrine and stuff but his testimony is so strong. he was like. mom you have to be baptized again and in this church or we won't be living together and you won't be happy.. sorry-. but that's just how it is. haha. it was really funny how direct he was.

Everyone is trying to make me eat fish.. i tell them no and they still give me a fish entero. like whole. like with the bones and skin and head.. its the worst. but anyways. what can  i say i'm in costa rica. 

yeah thats all i love you all lots and lots and i hope you have a fantastic week and a great Easter Sunday!!!! 

One Year

Well first off this past thursday marked my one year in the mission!! I cant even fathom this information.. i only have 4 changes. 6 fast sundays. 259,200 minutes left of my mission. I am just freaking out a little bit because i love the mission. alot. hah. its the bomb.

Okay so this week we were able to have 47 lessons.

We had a lesson with a member on monday.. she tried to throw eggs at us to get us back for giving her a fake cake... 

Saturday morning for conference we made breakfast and ate with the other sisters. Then the gringos brought snacks for us during conference. can anyone say pumpkin chocolate chip cookies!?! ha. It was like if i had been at home. 

Ana and Cristian! Okay so Monday we had a lesson at the house of a member... (the one from the story above). And it was amazing. Ana was able to hear more stories that are helping her have less fear of marriage. And Cristian was able to pay attention and meet a friend that is as goofy as him. Then let me just tell you we gave Ana the goal to marry before the 13th so that she could be baptized that day.. and we told her to pray about it. Well Ana had a really special experience and really different than anything i've ever heard. So on Saturday we were watching conference with her and then after taking notes and listening with all her heart she went and asked to talk to the bishop. My companion and I went outside and were just meditating and pondering  the messages from the morning session. I was just praying and started praying that i didn't care if i was here when Ana and Cristian get baptized, just that it happens and that they don't get lost. I hope that they are well and that they just have the happy life that the Lord and this gospel brings. Well as Ana walked out an hour lady she came up and said "well. the bishop is going to baptize us on the thirteenth. and so were going to need two witnesses for our wedding.." and we were just speechless. 

Andres! HE GOT BAPTIZED. This little 11 year old is more converted and understands more about repentance than any other person. He expressed some things from his past and then when he prayed, he pleaded and begged for forgiveness from our Heavenly Father. I haven't felt anything as strong as the spirit in that moment. Ater his baptism he was just glowing.Funny side note: His pants were too big so we used a tie as a belt. it was ´pretty funny. you do what you gotta do.

Cesar. He gave up drinking. When he won a partido and the premio was beer he asked for a soda and when all his friends made fun of him he just went home. He's changing so much and this big old drug dealer is going to be baptized this coming Sunday! I am so excited for him and excited to see him lead this church in amaainzg ways! 

Conference!!! OH MY GOSH! every single talk impacted me in a different way. It was aamazing watching and listening and I am so grateful that we have a Prophet and apostles and leaders in the church. I loved the talk by Bednar and by Corbridge and i loved the talk by President Monson. and the talk by Neil L. Anderson and Holland and Richard G. Scott and the sisters that spoke. It was just an amazing amazing conference weekend. One of the most direct and spiritual conferences that I've heard in a long time! 

I love this work I love the lord. He spoils me so much. I have seen so many miracles! 

love you all! 


April 3, 2014

whhatttup world

Okay so this was a fun week!!!

1. We are still seeing incredible progress with my favorite little family, Ana and Cristian. I'm just so happy because they are going to recieve an unofficial calling on the activity committee and we will be challenging them to be married on the 12th right before the next change.. just in case i leave. haha. But we were able to work alot with them and the members and they are just flourishing. During the broadcast ana was taking notes and she was crying too. and then the next day in church she was taking notes and looking in the scriptures and she was like so happy and glowing and her problems with coffee... well we challenged her and she was like okay, I'll  do it. The crazy thing about that is the elders were teaching them for like two weeks before we got there and the first lesson i had with them she said she would never give up coffee.... but hey look what happened. haha. The Lord changes the hearts of people.

Mosiah 27:25-26  And the Lord said unto me: Marvel not that all mankind, yea, men and women, all nations, kindreds, tongues and people, must be born again; yea, born of God, changed from their carnal and fallen state, to a state of righteousness, being redeemed of God, becoming his sons and daughters;
26 And thus they become new creatures; and unless they do this, they can in nowise inherit the kingdom of God.

Mosiah 5:2  And they all cried with one voice, saying: Yea, we believe all the words which thou hast spoken unto us; and also, we know of their surety and truth, because of the Spirit of the Lord Omnipotent, which has wrought a mighty change in us, or in our hearts, that we have no more disposition to do evil, but to do good continually.

2. Fabricio received the holy ghost yesterday and then he got the priesthood and then he gave the priesthood to David. It was a really touching sight to see these brand new priesthood holders using their power and authority as soon as possible. They really get to feel the spirit when they are taught from day one that it's a power and a responsibility  and they were both given the assignment for blessing the sacrement. I am so so so excited for them both!!!

3. We did divisions this week with a sister training leader and it was a blast. She is from Mexico and i love doing divisions because I learn so much. I then was able to joke around with her and learn lots of tricks for using the scriptures in a new way that is effective.

4. I made brownies... with out a recipe.. and i made them without measuring cups... and can i just say.. they weren't that bad.. they actually tasted fine.. they lacked a little sugar and were more like the texture of cake but it was a big surprise. maybe ill come back and be a baker. haha. im having too much fun with this oven.

5. CESAR! okay so cesar. hes a big guy. he was the drugg lord in his neighborhood.. and everyone respects him, BUT weve been teaching him for like a month and a half and can i just tell you the changes I've seen. He can't really read and yet he's using what he knows to read the book of mormon, he has never stepped into a church and this sunday he went with us for the second time. He even accepted a date to be baptized. I am so impressed with him and the changes he is making because he FEELS the difference. He feels that the lord is working inside of him and its just so incredible.

6. I milked a goat... and the family we eat with on sundays has a rabbit farm.. so we always eat rabbit.. it makes me think of grandpa every single sunday. hah

7. The Womens Broadcast. can I just say WOW!!!  And can I just say HOW EXCITED I AM FOR GENERAL CONFERENCE!!! woohooo! seriously. I'm so stoked I cant even contain myself. I just love it. Its like a bigger weekend then superbowl sunday. haha. jk.. but seriously. Its super awesome I cant wait to see it and learn so much. I hope you all have learned from Uncle Joe and that you guys have your quesitons ready!!

I just want to let you guys know how much I love you! Mom and Dad you are the best parents in the world and I am so grateful for all that youve done for me and all that youve taught me. I love yall so much!! Alma 57:21

Love yall!! 


Okay so first off on monday we went to san jose and let me tell you... I'm a smart missionary. and I'm street smart and I know dad won't like this story but it really is a miracle of our Heavenly Father and so I want to share it with all of you. So, my comp had her appointment at 5 and it was really great and she's fine and all, she just has to become even more vegetarian. So thats fun.. and so it was like 5:45 or so when we left the doctor and it was starting to get dark. So we were at the south end of the city and we had to make it to our bus which left at 6:45, so we had one hour to go from the most south area to the most north area and I had never walked just me and my comp to the bus stop from that part but I had an idea.. and my comp is from the city but was a little nervous just because she didn't know where we were. I just acted confident praying in my heart the whole time because there is only one way to get to our bus stop and we have to pass by one of the most dangerous parts of the city.. but we didn't have money to take a taxi and I had complete faith and i knew that our heavenly father would bless us because we had to make it to our city and get to work on tuesday and we couldnt miss our bus because that would put us so far behind in our work the next day. So we start walking and its fine its just the city at night and my comp and i asked some one when we got closer where our bus stop was and they told us, but told us that we should walk fast. so we say a little prayer took off our watches, hid our cell phone and made sure that i didn't talk so people could hear and started our trek. So being gringa I'm used to being yelled at all the time but as we are walking and believe me we saw tons of street rats no one even turned to look at us and no one yelled. It was one of the strangest things I have ever experienced in my life. my comp and i literally felt accompanied by angels because there was tons of things that should've happĂ©ned and no one even looked at us. it was a miracle. I don't push my luck and we won't do it ever again. But I just want to testify to the promise that the Lord protects his missionaries and protects those that are faithful and obedient.

Okay so Then this week we have had lots of problems and lots of crazy things happen to one of our favorite families. Ana and Cristian. So Ana and Cristian have two super cute little kids and they are a super amazing family.  They love the gospel and they go to church always even though he works in a restaurant bar and works until like 3 in the morning.  He still goes to church at 9. So they don't know if they want to be married and before they didn't want to be baptized but now they want  to be baptized and as they are doing the basics of the gospel like reading and praying they are having more desires to stay together. It just is a testimony of the family proclamtation and when it says what the family should be based on. I am so excited because two days ago we were just talking and they said that at the baptismal service that they went to they felt the spirit so strong and that they have desired that and they want to be baptized and want to change. And so we were able to put the goal of being baptized on the 6th of April. And Ana is so sweet she gave me and hna zapata watches.  And they are always giving us food.. haha. its super fun and she's super sweet. I think their wedding and baptisms will be one of the biggest highlights of my mission.

Okay So this sunday Fabricio got BAPTIZED!! i was so excited. He went out on sunday and bought a white shirt and white pants so that he was all official and didnt have to wear the ugly jumpsuit. It was a great baptism. Everyone is asking me to sing at their baptisms again.  I'm  gonna become a costarican one hit wonder.. hymns. bring it on!! It was a miracle his process of conversion. He'll be an awesome leader in the church.

I have made chocolate chip cookies 3 times this week. its been so fun and they're a hit and i want to take advantage of the little mini oven we have because I doubt i'll ever have one again. I feel like im using an easybake oven because it only fits 5 cookies at a time . hah. but I'm gonna do brownies and chess cake really soon.

Another miracle is that on sunday we had 11 investigators attend church and it was so awesome because 6 of them were youth.. like from ages 11-15 and they all came to church by themselves, meaning we didnt have to go pick them up and then they all stayed for the baptism and they all were just super amazing bringing with them a book of mormon and a bible so they could participate in the lessons and everything. I am so proud of these youth who are changing their lives.

Well This week was an amazing week. Im excited for this next one that is coming. I love my life and I love the Lord and I'm grateful that I can help this ward grow into something more.

Hna Coburn

March 19, 2014

March 17th

Okay so this was a week so fun and crazy. So to start off with I'm still super sick.. but now with a super bad cold that makes me have toi breath through my mouth at all moments. haha. my comp in every prayer asked the lord to bless my nose.. so that my boogies would clear out.. she literally said it like that.. hahah. it was funny.

So tuesday we had an all day multizone conference... and it was super fun. I found out that pres now has 4 assistants and that the work is just speeding up so much here in costa rica. We were taught some really incredible stuff by president and we were able to do some awesome practice exercises and learn about the basics. He talked to us about how we should focus on mastering the basics and how that will make us what we need to be..successful in life and in the mission. As he was talking I thought about a book or maybe it was just a quote that dad uses how the best people in the world really are only 1% better at something than everyone else. and so this week we've been focusing on the basics and let me tell you that it is working out so well. hah. we have been able to see lots of blessings through focusing on the basics. Then at the end of the conference, I got a few sweet presents from a few missionary friends for my birthday. I love the friends that I've been able to make here. They just make me so happy. I'm thinking i have to do a tour of central and south america so I can go and visit them alll... who's with me. hah.

So on tuesday Hna Workman left to go to Nicaragua and we got to do a trio with hna stroud. I laugh because we are like always comps yet we've never really been comps. i think we were made to be each other's  backup support. ya know someone who is there but not alwyas because then we might hate each other or something. haha. So we spent two days with her and i saw how the lord blessed us.  We were able to see miracles as we had to work in both areas at once. We saw two of her investigators get ready for baptism and then on wednesday our own little miracle.  We were planning on having a super spiritual lesson and using all our power and authority to get Fabrico baptized and as we walk up to his house he says.. Hey I've decided I would like to be baptized on the 23 if that's okay. hah. It was so amazing. we didn't even say a word.  Truly the Lord worked in a mysterious way.  Then we went and had divisions on thursday and saw some more miracles because we were able to work with the members. ha. i love members. its so much easier with them. But literally these two and a half days with Hna Stroud were just amazingly fun. We just have a blast together!

Something has happened this week and I just want to say that I know without a doubt that in thas church and only in this church, we have the power of God. We have the power to throw out demons and to heal the sick and to preach the gospel like it says in lucas 9:1-2 and marcos 3.13-15. I know that this power is real and that when it is used with faith and diginity on both parts that miracles happen that would not have otherwised happened.

Okay so backing up a bit. So our cook is awesome but her husband is inactive, he's still awesome though. I love chilling and chatting with him. So on Monday he told me that he wanted to lose weight.. i think its because he was seeing that I'm losing weight and that im just awesome.. hahahah and since his wife has seen pictures from before the mission he say that i was fit back then and anyways..  i was like well at 5:30 every morning I run in the staduim, but its a hard run-- you can come if you want. so he was like oh sure.. I'm sure it'll be fun. So he showed up on Wednesday and was like okay.. im ready and i was like its a little bit difficult do you run and he was like i think I'm in better shape than you.. okay now this made me a little bit angry. I think mom knows what happens when i get angry and im running. I just push my self like nothing else. So we start doing the 20 minute run and i am talking and running and he's not responding and im like whats wrong.. and hes like I can't breath i can't finish and I'm like come on you can do better than this remember.. youre in better shape than me. hahaha. it was so funny because after the second set he just stops and is hacking and trying to catch his breath. so i tell him he can go rest and do abs with my comp and i go and finish my run. hah. it was so great. because he now has a little respect and the most exciting part is he's been reading the book of mormon with us everynight. I love that i was able to win his respect thanks to my mom for helping me run when i was younger and for my dad too for always supporting me. So we made a deal that if he can't finish this run this week that he has to go to church on Sunday. So I'll keep you guys up on the progress of this bet that we've got going. hah. Hes a good guy but like everyone we have our problems. some are bigger than others and the biggest mistake is thinking that we can fix these problems on our own.  We can't!  So we need to go to chruch to recieve the help that we require.

Okay so Saturday we finished a fast at 12 and we didnt have lunch until 1:30 so we were like lets make popcorn but we dont have a microwave just a microwave oven... I'm like, i think it should work and we put in the popcorn and turn it one... And its going great... until it starts exploding and growing and the bag then gets so big it touches the top and I get up and Im like hna .... hna .... HNA!! and we look and we see a fire... and its growing my comp opens the door and is like wait ill blow it out.. im the boyscout as she trys to blow and her blowing only makes it grow. I pull her back, unplug the oven and throw a glass of water on the fire.. and whew.. it goes out. hah. What made it so funny is that earlier that day our District Leader told us we were Echando Fuego. or Making Fire.. and i was like.. well compy it's true. we are literally making fire now. haha.

Okay so Sunday I dont know how but as we have opened our mouth and talked to everyone we have been able to consistently have 8-10 people at church every sunday and new people too!  So this sunday was an amazing conference and it was super awesome and we were able to have the baptism of Isamar. I was so excited! She was so happy and the other hans were able to have two baptisms too!!  I was so proud of how the work is growing and then during the baptism a young joven investigator that has listened to the lessons before leans over to me and says.. can i be baptized next weekk. i was like yes, of course. It was amazing. and so for this next week we have Harvin that kid I just told you about and Fabricio. I am so pumped!!!

But as missionaries even though I'm happy, I'm not satisfied. So my comp and I were talking about how we aren't satisfied with the work yet, expeically after hearing the our mission president baptized 18 people one Sunday.  So  I looked at my comp and she's just as competitive as me and she said. Can we start fasting and praying and working our hearts out to baptize 18 people on Christ's birthday the 6th of April. So that is our new goal .. right now we have 6 people planned for that day.. and i know that the Lord will help the other people that are ready and prepared be baptized that day too. It's a CRAZY goal.. and it's not that realistic but we have the faith and we are working with all our heart and mind and strength so I know we will meet our goal. Like it says in Moroni 7:33. whatever  we ask in faith, that is right, will be done.

I love you all!  I love the joy that I can share with all the people in San Carlos. I am grateful for a companion that is SO amazing and SO great and so just like me. hah. I love the Lord and I am grateful for his Sacrifice and his Resurecction that not only means we can rise up after death but that we can rise up from any hardship or trial through his power and faith on his name.

Love you all! Thanks for all the Love and Support.

"You are the captian of your Life, and God has prepared a plan to bring you safetly back to him to your divine Destination." Pres Uchtdorf.. Live your life so that you can reach that divine destination that is to live with your heavenly father, his son , and your family for all the eternity.