July 11, 2013


Okay so this week,

Monday- This was one of the best p-days we got all our errands done and came home and chilled, but this is when the fun starts. We decided to make ranch from the packets that the Spauldings gave to us and then we ate it with broccoli.. i died a little bit it was so good and fresh. then we melted chocolate and dipped bananas and then we had bought pretzels to dip. so we dipped them in chocolate then in melted peanut butter then put dulce de leche on over it and some salt and we basically made homemade take5s. then we poured the leftovers over cornflakes. that was amazing. it was the best. then we had a family night with a family so we made them no bake cookies and then did a fun family night with them. At the end she said wait here... and then she gave us hot dogs. its a big thing here hot dogs are like some sort of special thing. they were good. 

Wednesday- Today we did intercambios with the sister leaders they took hna bojorque and left one of them with us here. It was fun but I felt bad because after we picked her up we went straight onto a bus to go to our district meeting in the next town over. This district meeting was good. It was the first one with our new district leader. We only had a 10 minute lesson and the rest of the time we did practices. It was weird but I know that it helps to practice and role play. it was nice practicing with just hna ogletree and not being in a trio. After that we taught a few lessons and then went to our weekly ward activity. I loved it because Gilmer and Alejandro came to the activity. They really enjoyed getting to do something a little more light hearted with the ward and yet they still were able to learn more about the gospel. I am grateful for the change because hna Zumba is awesome. I learned alot from her. And I was really nervous at first and I didn´t want to talk or anything because i don´t know spanish and i´m not that good of a teacher and i just felt insecure but during personal study i was reading in spanish and I read a scripture that I know ive seen before but when I read it in spanish I just felt so much peace and calmness. It was when alma is teaching zeezorum and hes backing up what amulek just taught. and it says he just opened his mouth and testified and explained the scriptures. The simplicity was so amazing for me because its so true. we just have to open and speak. and it'll come.

Thursday- So after we picked up our comp. We had to do four interviews.  they take like an hour and we have to wait while they happen but we had appointments so Hna Bojorque and one of the young women waited at the church and me and hna ogletree went out to go teach. it was so crazy. i was so scared because I thought I can´t do this in real life just two of us and both gringos. but then it just happened. I spoke and I testified and I didn´t really care if my spanish was bad I just knew I had to get my point across as best as I
can. And it worked. So that was just a testimony that you have to trust the Lord. He´s called me so I know that he trusts me to do this work I just need to trust him enough to do it. So two hilarious stories. So we´re teaching this menos activo and we´re sitting on her porch. She´s on the ground leaning on her hands and we´re in chairs. we´re in the middle of a really good part when her new puppy walks over and sits on her hand and then just starts POOPING! not like a log but like nasty liquid diarrhea. It was everywhere. and so funny and so gross. she left for like five minutes to go clean up and everything.. but yeah hilarious moment.
Then we have this little 4 yr old boy named Hernan. He is so adorable he acts likes hes 24 literally. We call him our novio because hes just so cute and so funny and he just always gives us the best hugs. haha So we´re leaving his street and he comes running up and yells HERMANAS! so we stop turn around and he's still running after us so he comes up to us and I squat and point to my cheek and he gives me a kiss on the cheek and then 
he struts away.. until he reaches a car and then he just leans on it like he's the biggest stud in the world. Hna O could not stop laughing. I told her its not my fault I have a stud for a boyfriend. haha. So all of our interviews went really well and afterwards we went to teach an investigator named maria- we had gone by the day before to set up an appointment and when we got there her family was there so I'm more comfortable talking with little kids so while hna o was setting up the appointment i was talking to her two nieces. So we get to her house and her nieces run out and say the gringos are here! so they decided to make a plan for our visit. they had us play pin the tail on the donkey and then they made us food. it was such a good good day. I can be a real missionary. who knew. hah. 

Saturday! So we got everything set up for this baptism. I worked on learning a song to sing because that's like my new calling... ward baptism musical number. haha. and then we made a quadruple batch of no bake cookies. so so good. and then we got to the church and set everything up and it was just really great and then we had our boys start showing up and they were all so excited. Gilmer and Alejandro brought their inactive mom which was a miracle because she didn't want to come. And then Chuma was there and all ready. and then Alex showed up and he told us he didn´t feel prepared and some stuff and we talked it out and so he left and we were going to talk to him and help him prepare a little bit more so hopefully he´ll get baptized this weekend or the next weekend. the baptism was awesome though. We had so many people and the musical number got changed to me singing i´m a child of God with our branch president and he sang and played it on the guitar.. and then afterwards we had this pancake thing and it was just a really good day. They all felt so happy.

Sunday- Church was great. our boys came and received the holy ghost and they were all looking so sharp in their white shirts and the testimonies born were awesome and then at four we had to leave on a bus to go to San Jose to pick up a package for hna bojorque. I was so excited because i thought i'd get to pick up my package too but the zone leaders took all the mail and packages to our zone so i have to wait even longer to get it because now its in guanacaste. blech. oh well. but the point is this morning i got a HOT SHOWER! My first hot shower in two months!! I was so happy and its been a good day. 

So no package yet but i´m pretty sure its here I just haven't gotten my hands on it. fun fact the stake president from florida in the broadcast was the dad of the sister in my district here. cool huh. I love all those pictures they're great. I love you all so much. Stuart that's awesome with the motorcycle.

love you all. byeee.

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