July 16, 2013

Happy Camper

Okieee Dokieeee-
Hola! I´m such a happpy camper. okay so the mission is amazing. like i dont say that enough. okay
Monday after writing we went to visit the wilkinson family just to say hi cause they are so nice. We talked and talked and she made us brownies and ice cream and then she told us that TWO GRINGO FAMILIES ARE MOVING HERE TO HELP THE BRANCH! this is the best news in the world. because they will help this rama so much and it'll grow and hopefully they'll help the asistencia be over 100 for 3 months so we can get a new capilla.

weird fruit
 so Tuesday we had a zone meeting and that was really fun and really great and I learned how to teach members how to share the gospel. but this is why the zone meeting was so fun. I got a PACKAGE from my dear dear family and i got a letter from Brett (Newberry) Schmidt. So I cant say how amazing that package was. The clothes are AMAZING ya I've already worn them. that shirt is perfect thinness and the skirt is the best tooo. the funny part is the soap. it smells so good and it made everything in the box smell the same! Its the best. my clothes all smell like home because that soap makes me think of you. so thank you thank you thank you for that. and i saw the price so i hope you know you don't need to send me a package ever again. hah. that's way too much for a little piece of home.  so Alexander is doing okay.. hes really sad that he isn't baptized and he just keeps saying i feel bad i feel sad. and its just a testament of the guilt that you feel when you know the truth and don't act on it. or when you know you've sinned and don't repent. he's working though and we're thinking he'll be baptized this month. 

So On Wednesday we worked our butts off. we had 9 lessons. we worked really hard at teaching effectively and efficiently. 

So we're working with this one lady named Magda. She's been to church twice and we're working on getting her baptized this Sunday. So we have visited her ever day this week. She has a really sad story she has a  30 lb tumor and its malignant and she has 3 small kids and 2 teenager. her husband died like 2 years ago. and so its just really hard. but we're teaching her and her two daughters and they're golden. they read and not just read but understand and they pray and participate at church and they're really interested in the church. they should both be baptized by the end of this month too! 

okay so Testimony of prayer- Two experiences. so i am good at not just throwing out money and buying expensive stuff so i had some extra money by the end of this pay part. and my comps were out and so i was really inspired to give them each some money. just in secret so they wouldn't know but so i felt like i was helping since in the first part of my mission i used the general stuff they bought. so i slipped 10 mil in Hna Bojorques box of books and i slipped 10 mil in hna ogletrees wallet. as we're getting ready to leave for the day hna bojorque says, I've been trying to figure out all morning how i was going to pay for the medicine i need for my infection on my legs and as i was praying to find out what to do i went to get my books and i found ten mil. do yall know where it came from. and i'm like no. but there it was. i was able to be an instrument in the lords hand. Part one of my lesson. we need to listen to the spirit so we can be the lords instrument and help answer the prayers of others. and two I talked to this one lady in the street randomly and she was like i've seen yall and i want to learn more and then she was like i'm only free on Fridays so i really only saw her once. and then we saw her in the street once more that day and we waved but that was all.. then after teaching Magda (tumor lady she lives 10 minutes away in bus) we missed the bus. and we didn't want to waste a whole day waiting for buses but what else can you do and so i'm praying so hard that a taxi passes i don't even care if its expensive and then the member we were with gets a phone call and tells us we need to leave the bus stop. he said someone saw us and told him that the bus stop is sketch and people get robbed when its dark (which it was). so then we're just walking down the side of the road when this huge bus pulls up and says get in. Its this girl i talked to in the street. she said I had a feeling should help these people and then it turned out it was yall! So that's part two.the lord answers our prayers and he does it in his own way. 

funny quote. We're teaching our eternal investigator maria. and we're talking about prophets and we say we have a prophet today Thomas S. Monson. So in spanish that is said differently so say it with a spanish accent.. anyway.. she says OH! i thought this whole time when i heard that in church that you were saying Thomas es un monster. hahahahahahahahahhaha. we died. because its so true it sounds the exact same. hah

oh and they have this stuff here called bebida de maiz. and people drink it here when they're converts and used to drink coffee because supposedly it tastes a lot like coffee.. well.. i had it and it was like drinking coffee.. its crazy. and it was kinda good. but its literally corn flour drink that is hot. 

Thats this week! 
I love yall all sooooo much! I loved the emails this week and i loved the pictures from hallie.

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