April 3, 2014

whhatttup world

Okay so this was a fun week!!!

1. We are still seeing incredible progress with my favorite little family, Ana and Cristian. I'm just so happy because they are going to recieve an unofficial calling on the activity committee and we will be challenging them to be married on the 12th right before the next change.. just in case i leave. haha. But we were able to work alot with them and the members and they are just flourishing. During the broadcast ana was taking notes and she was crying too. and then the next day in church she was taking notes and looking in the scriptures and she was like so happy and glowing and her problems with coffee... well we challenged her and she was like okay, I'll  do it. The crazy thing about that is the elders were teaching them for like two weeks before we got there and the first lesson i had with them she said she would never give up coffee.... but hey look what happened. haha. The Lord changes the hearts of people.

Mosiah 27:25-26  And the Lord said unto me: Marvel not that all mankind, yea, men and women, all nations, kindreds, tongues and people, must be born again; yea, born of God, changed from their carnal and fallen state, to a state of righteousness, being redeemed of God, becoming his sons and daughters;
26 And thus they become new creatures; and unless they do this, they can in nowise inherit the kingdom of God.

Mosiah 5:2  And they all cried with one voice, saying: Yea, we believe all the words which thou hast spoken unto us; and also, we know of their surety and truth, because of the Spirit of the Lord Omnipotent, which has wrought a mighty change in us, or in our hearts, that we have no more disposition to do evil, but to do good continually.

2. Fabricio received the holy ghost yesterday and then he got the priesthood and then he gave the priesthood to David. It was a really touching sight to see these brand new priesthood holders using their power and authority as soon as possible. They really get to feel the spirit when they are taught from day one that it's a power and a responsibility  and they were both given the assignment for blessing the sacrement. I am so so so excited for them both!!!

3. We did divisions this week with a sister training leader and it was a blast. She is from Mexico and i love doing divisions because I learn so much. I then was able to joke around with her and learn lots of tricks for using the scriptures in a new way that is effective.

4. I made brownies... with out a recipe.. and i made them without measuring cups... and can i just say.. they weren't that bad.. they actually tasted fine.. they lacked a little sugar and were more like the texture of cake but it was a big surprise. maybe ill come back and be a baker. haha. im having too much fun with this oven.

5. CESAR! okay so cesar. hes a big guy. he was the drugg lord in his neighborhood.. and everyone respects him, BUT weve been teaching him for like a month and a half and can i just tell you the changes I've seen. He can't really read and yet he's using what he knows to read the book of mormon, he has never stepped into a church and this sunday he went with us for the second time. He even accepted a date to be baptized. I am so impressed with him and the changes he is making because he FEELS the difference. He feels that the lord is working inside of him and its just so incredible.

6. I milked a goat... and the family we eat with on sundays has a rabbit farm.. so we always eat rabbit.. it makes me think of grandpa every single sunday. hah

7. The Womens Broadcast. can I just say WOW!!!  And can I just say HOW EXCITED I AM FOR GENERAL CONFERENCE!!! woohooo! seriously. I'm so stoked I cant even contain myself. I just love it. Its like a bigger weekend then superbowl sunday. haha. jk.. but seriously. Its super awesome I cant wait to see it and learn so much. I hope you all have learned from Uncle Joe and that you guys have your quesitons ready!!

I just want to let you guys know how much I love you! Mom and Dad you are the best parents in the world and I am so grateful for all that youve done for me and all that youve taught me. I love yall so much!! Alma 57:21

Love yall!! 


Okay so first off on monday we went to san jose and let me tell you... I'm a smart missionary. and I'm street smart and I know dad won't like this story but it really is a miracle of our Heavenly Father and so I want to share it with all of you. So, my comp had her appointment at 5 and it was really great and she's fine and all, she just has to become even more vegetarian. So thats fun.. and so it was like 5:45 or so when we left the doctor and it was starting to get dark. So we were at the south end of the city and we had to make it to our bus which left at 6:45, so we had one hour to go from the most south area to the most north area and I had never walked just me and my comp to the bus stop from that part but I had an idea.. and my comp is from the city but was a little nervous just because she didn't know where we were. I just acted confident praying in my heart the whole time because there is only one way to get to our bus stop and we have to pass by one of the most dangerous parts of the city.. but we didn't have money to take a taxi and I had complete faith and i knew that our heavenly father would bless us because we had to make it to our city and get to work on tuesday and we couldnt miss our bus because that would put us so far behind in our work the next day. So we start walking and its fine its just the city at night and my comp and i asked some one when we got closer where our bus stop was and they told us, but told us that we should walk fast. so we say a little prayer took off our watches, hid our cell phone and made sure that i didn't talk so people could hear and started our trek. So being gringa I'm used to being yelled at all the time but as we are walking and believe me we saw tons of street rats no one even turned to look at us and no one yelled. It was one of the strangest things I have ever experienced in my life. my comp and i literally felt accompanied by angels because there was tons of things that should've happĂ©ned and no one even looked at us. it was a miracle. I don't push my luck and we won't do it ever again. But I just want to testify to the promise that the Lord protects his missionaries and protects those that are faithful and obedient.

Okay so Then this week we have had lots of problems and lots of crazy things happen to one of our favorite families. Ana and Cristian. So Ana and Cristian have two super cute little kids and they are a super amazing family.  They love the gospel and they go to church always even though he works in a restaurant bar and works until like 3 in the morning.  He still goes to church at 9. So they don't know if they want to be married and before they didn't want to be baptized but now they want  to be baptized and as they are doing the basics of the gospel like reading and praying they are having more desires to stay together. It just is a testimony of the family proclamtation and when it says what the family should be based on. I am so excited because two days ago we were just talking and they said that at the baptismal service that they went to they felt the spirit so strong and that they have desired that and they want to be baptized and want to change. And so we were able to put the goal of being baptized on the 6th of April. And Ana is so sweet she gave me and hna zapata watches.  And they are always giving us food.. haha. its super fun and she's super sweet. I think their wedding and baptisms will be one of the biggest highlights of my mission.

Okay So this sunday Fabricio got BAPTIZED!! i was so excited. He went out on sunday and bought a white shirt and white pants so that he was all official and didnt have to wear the ugly jumpsuit. It was a great baptism. Everyone is asking me to sing at their baptisms again.  I'm  gonna become a costarican one hit wonder.. hymns. bring it on!! It was a miracle his process of conversion. He'll be an awesome leader in the church.

I have made chocolate chip cookies 3 times this week. its been so fun and they're a hit and i want to take advantage of the little mini oven we have because I doubt i'll ever have one again. I feel like im using an easybake oven because it only fits 5 cookies at a time . hah. but I'm gonna do brownies and chess cake really soon.

Another miracle is that on sunday we had 11 investigators attend church and it was so awesome because 6 of them were youth.. like from ages 11-15 and they all came to church by themselves, meaning we didnt have to go pick them up and then they all stayed for the baptism and they all were just super amazing bringing with them a book of mormon and a bible so they could participate in the lessons and everything. I am so proud of these youth who are changing their lives.

Well This week was an amazing week. Im excited for this next one that is coming. I love my life and I love the Lord and I'm grateful that I can help this ward grow into something more.

Hna Coburn