March 19, 2014

March 10th

Okay so Monday I got a Super Sweet Surprise as I was able to go "drop off" something for a family and walked into a Fiesta for my birthday, along with the cake the member made and then like the traditions say in Costa Rica I got EGGED and was wished lots of LUCK with egg yoke rolling down my face.

Okay so my comp and I ended up getting a little sick but the Lord blesses us ... we had just walked like crazy people up a mountain and back down to get to all our appointments and we were just STARVING because that day our lunch wasn't very filling... she forgot the meat... hahah. and so we were like idk what we are going to do... and its like 8:30 and as we were complaining and dying of hunger our Relief Society President drives by and says Hey! Its your birthday week come with us to get a snack. So she gave us food and I know it was just the Lord looking out for us and really what a tender mercy.  BUT, because we ate so late I was up ALL night with nasty from both ends.... . and super super bad stomach pains.. but thankfully after much fervent prayer I finally got some sleep.  Since then I have just had to be really careful with what i eat... and take lots of great tico pills. haha. i love my life here in costa rica.

So Fabricio. He PRAYEDD!!! OH MY GOSH! This is probably the biggest news of the week. You see he has been going to seminary in the mornings at 5:30 am and then he was talking to us and was like i know that this is all true and i know i have to be baptized but... i just can't pray and ask yet.. i can't get a confirmation from the Lord until i know enough.. i was like listen up bud. You just pray and you ask and then the Lord will help you out. okay.. so yeah. the next day he went to institute and one of the young single adults talked to us afterwards and was like HE PRAYED and HE GOT AN ANSWER! So at church yesterday we just had lots of fun telling him that he'll be baptized this coming Sunday... i have so much faith i know it will happen. if he keeps going to seminary and reading the book of mormon he will ask us to help him do what he needs so that he can be baptized on sunday.. hahah. I love this little 17 year old going on 70.

So MARYLIN! she got BAPTIZED! I was probably more happy and excited as well as more nervous for this baptism than for any other baptism in my life. First I know that the opposition was working against her as she left her phone in her house charging that morning.  Then she used her scooter to come to church when something fell off her scooter wheel chair and no one was around to help her and she just had to  wait.. and wait.. and almost missed all of sacrement meeting.. But she made it and we get to watch the most precious baptism.  It was also the most hilarious baptism as we were trying to get her completely under the water.. some investigators thought it looked like we were drowning her.

Her story is crazy.  Marylin is the strongest person I know. She was normal until she was 20 when she was assualted and shot in her spinal cord and was left a vegetable except her arms .. and face.. Her hands got messed up too-.. and yet she comes to church EVERY SUNDAY with such joy and such hope for the future. I wish I could be more like Marylin!!

This sunday Isamar is going to be baptized and we are so excited because she too is one of those people just prepared from our Heavenly Father. I am so excited to be able to help her because she is changing other lives as she is changing her own life.

There is so much more.....more miracles and amazing stories to tell but as always I'm running out of time... and so I'm going to just say that This is the true church. This is the only church with all of the parts of Christ's Gospel. I know that who ever reads the book of mormon will KNOW that this is the kingdom of God here on the earth today. I love being a missionary and I love being in San Carlos. I'm so excited to have 6 more weeks here!! I love my Life!  and most of all I Love the Lord!

Love you all!!

I'm twenty! Who knew......

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