September 9, 2013

Week of ninos

Dad I want you to know I have the sickest awesome dad in the world. I don't know anyone else who has a 50 yr old dad running and starting to do his first triathlon and then deciding he needs to do better and planning to do it again. You are an inspiration and I am going to try to be like you with setting my goals and sticking to them until i lograrlo. I love the Book of Mormon and love that you are sharing what you're studying with me. Let me know more fun facts and doctrine that you learn. It's like my drug. The gospel is so addicting! And mom, oh my gosh! What a email this week. You're so much better at emailing than me! It's so good to hear that analogy and it's so true. I'm super jealous because i want to go to the temple super bad. I also wanted to see dad kill it in his triathlon and I'm  a super proud daughter too and I tell everyone how amazing and lucky I must be to have parents like y'all.  Wow! way to go with the luncheon!! I cant believe the work you're doing down there and I'm so impressed. Oh and those decorations look so awesome!  I am super glad you can make a wave in our community. When I get back we can be a power team and get baptizing people too! hah. It's crazy to think I will  be home in a just over a year ... just crazy how time keeps moving and moving. 

Oh my gosh what a great week! Okay so Tuesday we went to San Jose and had the monthly check party with everyone that came in with Hna Alvarado. Yes, she's a rockstar and she's still here and I'm hoping she never gets her visa because she's awesome and just my bff.. p.s. her aunt is from GA crazy right... anyway so that was super fun and then I found out I'm not illegal but they're missing some stuff of mine so they asked for y'all's email and stuff.... and then I told them dad flies here and they were like.. oh well maybe he can be our mail man and I was like sure thing if you can get stuff to him he'd love to help.. so i threw ya under the bus dad. haha. 

They told us that they were setting a mission goal of 200 baptisms this mes. and that a member of the 70 said we couldn't do it. But I know we can and this past fast Sunday that's what we fasted for.  So we can meet this meta and i know we can!

Okay so Thursday we had a baptism for the elders and we were spending time inviting everyone and hoping and praying that our investigator Alonso who is super close to baptism would want to come, but no luck. So we're sitting at the baptism waiting for it to start and in walks MICHELLE! She's the last person we expected to see but I could not wipe the smile off my face when I saw her. She's so much happier now and she says she feels a peace in the chapel and that's why she came. We´are hoping she'll get baptized within the next two weeks but she says she wants to have her baby first. So I've been praying that she'd pop really soon! hah. So that night we were teaching the brother of Ernesto our recent convert his name is Josue and he is 10 and I swear I love this little kid. He should be on disney channel. He's such a character. Well we were teaching him and he's  super stoked for his baptism which is on the 14th. I'm super stoked too because he's reading the scriptures and then I asked if he had prayed to Heavenly Father to see if these things are true and if the church is true and he was like yep. already did that. I was like when? He was like when my brother told me to a few days ago.. I was like well how did it go.? And he was like I just asked the Lord if this was the true church and then in my heart I just felt yes. Yes it is and so now I'm like super ready to be baptized. It was so sweet and so simple and so good. He's  super excited about everything with the gospel and the only thing he has a problem with is that he will be in primary for 2 more years. hah.

Okay so on Saturday I did something crazy.... I made OATMEAL PANCAKES for the first time in my life. ha. and with what i was working with I'm surprised they turned out pretty good. This won't be the only time I make them here either because they're pretty easy and pretty cheap. And then we went and taught Christian, the punk who is scared of my eyes. It's funny because he might be scared of my eyes but he's definitely one of my favorite investigators because he's so honest and upfront with us. So we taught him about the ley de castidad and le palabra de sabiduria and it was so funny we asked if he had a problem with those things we dont use and he said he had a problem with alcohol, smoking, and coffee.   I was so sad because he's been coming to church and we are planning his baptism for this Saturday (th 7th) but then I was like... you drink and smoke?  How much?Everyday? and he was like none... but I used to three months ago and I still feel awful for those sins I have. I was so impressed this 19 yr old kid stopped smoking and drinking on his own and wants to be better. We told him that we want him to be baptized on Saturday and he was like,  no I don't think I am ready.. and then at church yesterday when I saw him i was bringing it up to him and to everyone i saw at every moment I could saying, Oh he's getting baptized on Saturday and Oh do you want this priesthood holder to baptize you and just bugging him and by the end of church he was like okay.Ii guess I'm ready.  I,can be baptized on Saturday. hah. I'm super super happy with that. He's one of my little babies. hah. 

So we are also teaching a 40 something year old man and he has a problem with smoking super bad. but he's been great at lowering how much he smokes and just getting better ever time we visit him and i know it's because he's praying for strength and reading the Book of Mormon. There is so much power in the Book of Mormon -  it's incredible and all we have to do is read it every day to receive that power.  It's just as simple as that!

okay I love you all. The Lord is so merciful and so good to us. Remember and be grateful for everything, even your trials! 

Love ya! 
Hna Coburn

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