August 1, 2013


aight so this is whats up.. 
this pday we went to the beach

Tuesday night we got a Phone call that one of the sisters in Liberia was sick so they wanted Hna Bojorque to go and work up there for a week leaving just me and Hna Ogletree here. So we dropped her off on wednesday and then it was left to us the rest of the week. Its so crazy to see how much I´ve grown in five days having to work with just one companion and with that companion being a gringo. I've loved it. We´ve been able to really communicate what we need to fix and what we need to do to become an even better companionship. 

Okay so on wendesday we taught one of our investigators that is 15 years old. He had his neighbor over so we were just teaching them both not thinking anything of it. Now his neighbor is a teeny tiny ball of fire who is only 10 yrs old. His name is Sandy. And he was eating up the story of the book of mormon. So the next day we see him and hes like Why haven't you come to my house! I just want you to teach me and to teach my family. haha. So we're like con mucho gusto. with much pleasure. So we´ve taught him and he´s been reading but every time we pass his house we runs out side and yells HERMANAS! where ya going? I'm going to come too! So even though hes an investigator he's been following us around like he's a little puppy. We're hoping his mom lets us baptize him in three weeks. We weren't really taking him as a serious investigator because hes so young and silly and sassy but then on Saturday he said why haven't you asked me to be baptized like you asked toni. hah i want to be baptized in your church. so were like okay time to save this kids life and help him get on the "path that rocks" (emperors new grove). 

So on the topic of little kids. We´re teaching the grandson of one of our members and he's 9. he's so funny and we love this kid. So we´re teaching him and we´re in the church just in the primary room and We ask him a question.. and he says turn off the lights first. So we do and we just sit there and then the door opens and we see him crawling away. hah. He said he was trying to sneak out because he hates answering questions. hah. it was hilarious.
One of the members works in the bakery and so we helped him out

Now for a weird weird weird story. So remember the mom of Gilmer and Alejandro. I said that cool experience how she prayed and she got an answer and all and we were so excited but this past Friday we went and visited her. and we knew that she hadn't been at church and we heard that she was still going to her other church so i just straight up asked her why because she received an answer and knew that this was the true church and this is what happened. She got a strange look on her face and was yelling or talking with a lot of force explaining how this church was calling to her and this church was the one she needed to be in and then she said sometimes when we're in moments of confusion that's when Satan tries to put thoughts in your mind. And went on to say that in the lesson the last week she was in that moment of confusion. So we asked what she felt like when she prayed and she said it was the weirdest feeling in my life. and i just wanted to cry. and she said the spirit in my other church (which this church is Weird weird weird. its screaming and dancing and the pastor just got put in jail for molestation of little kids and cutting off the boy parts for a member) and we said the feeling you felt the last lesson and she said it was like a warmth and i felt peace. but you know the spirit isn't just peace its joy and dancing. She was so weird and I felt so uncomfortable. The thing is she's so blinded that she thinks the real spirit of the lord is of the devil and she thinks the crazy spirit she feels in her Evangelical church is the only real spirit of god. its so sad. It makes me think of the scripture.. I think in 2 nephi 15:20 because she really calls good evil and evil good. And no matter how powerful the lesson or how strong the spirit is shes got this thought that its of Satan and so if y'all have any suggestions how to combat this let me know because i'm at a loss. And her poor sons because she brings an awful feeling to the people around her. 
i made this out of a palm tree leaf

So good story. Mygela. Mygela started out hating us. Thinking we were such a bother. She's a member but hace 12 anos. and she was so lazy. she'd say flat out i don't want to come to church i'm lazy or i don't want stop drinking coffee i'm lazy. but now shes reading the doctrine and covenants and the liahona and shes coming to church and shes spreading the gospel and being such a great missionary. And Gilmer! Gilmer is teaching one of his friends with us right now. I think he could be one great help in getting so much more priesthood holders in this branch. 

The baptism on Sunday was good. I'm glad we've got the mom and one daughter and the other daughter is getting baptized this Saturday. I'm excited. This family is amazing and they need the blessings of the gospel.

Life is great though!! I love yall alot!!

Ill try to answer your questions better next time. 
oh and Alexander... hes well its sad really really sad. he wants to change but he doesn't want to stop drinking so he;s just partying and getting drunk but still listening to us. so we're going to talk to him really hard and direct and frank tonight because we're done playing around you cants serve god and mammon. 

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