July 11, 2013

Lots of Stories

okay so this week wasnt too interesting-- just the normal fuego life. Okay so some cool stories: so we had changes and i'm still here with the same comps. We got a new dl though and so that's been interesting and fun. He's cool. So teaching is good we have 4 baptisms planned for this Saturday. Four jovens. Two 14 year old boys and Two 21 year old boys. Chuma, Alejandro, Gilmer, and Alexander!  Its going to be awesome. what can I say though. flirt to convert...hahh. jk jk. they're awesome and really becoming converted to the gospel of Christ. 

Spanish is coming along really well. Leaps and bounds every day. I'm learning so fast and my fear... which was talking on the phone is slowly leaving me and i'm using the phone more and more. 

Okay so Saturday the elders had a baptism and I sang at it. I'm becoming famous here... hah. jk. but I sang the i'll go where you want me to go Melinda Talley version. and I sang one verse in English and then a verse in Spanish is was really pretty and really good.
I love singing and I love the opportunity to use my talents and I think that's what I want to do that when I go back to school. I know its not super useful or good but i just love music and i miss actually learning and improving that talent. 

So stories- 

Saturday- we started to fast. we were fasting for the four baptisms we have coming up. So we had heard that Chuma had moved to his grandmas house which is far from where we are.. still in our area just really far from our church and our house and where his family lives. so we were really worried about how we would be able to teach him and get him ready for his baptism. So we were fasting for this and we talked to his brother on Saturday and he said that he wouldn't be able to be at church this Sunday which means he'd have to wait a whole other week to get baptized. so we were really bummed. So Sunday morning we got up and went to Alejandro and Gilmers house (They're brothers) and when we got there we said oope and out walks CHUMA! We scream with Joy and he told us that he got up at 5 and got ready and left and walked an hour so that he could get to church this Sunday! and then he was going to walk the hour back! Such dedication and we know that this was just un poco fruta de nuestra ayuno. 

So All Sunday Every prayer we said (which we say alot of prayers during the day.. like 15) I prayed that we would run into or meet a family that we could teach. A family that was ready for the gospel. So I had faith that this was going to happen.. that we´d be walking to church and see a family and they´d be glowing and I'd just know that they were the ones... but all day nothing.. so i was un poco disanimada.. but then we went to a teaching appointment and the investigator had moved and the newbies living there were a grandma and grandpa,their daughter and her husband and her children and then another daughter. It was an amazing miracle and they were stoked to have us come back. This really is a testimony that prayers work and that the Lord is always listening and that they aren't answered how we want but they are answered the right way--the Lord's way. 

 Saturday night- Ready for a crazy story speaking of getting in trouble with the mission president... this past Saturday we got in at 9 and planned and tried to call our DL to give our numbers and he didn't answer.. so we were just waiting for his call and the phone never rang so at 10:30 we all went to bed right.. so then we at like 11:45 we hear pounding on our door and someone calls hello from out the window.. well we´re all basically still asleep so we´re like half dreaming and the person is like "you are the missionaries for the church of Jesus Christ of LDS right".. we were like yeah.. who are you and they're like its the elders get up right now. so we get up and get presentable and open the door and the elders(our DL) are sweating and red faced and are like when did yall get home? we were like umm 9.... whats going on.. So apparently they had called us about 50 times and we never answered so then they called the zone leaders and they called the assistants and then they got permission to come to our house and see what was going on. and it was a huge mess and but it all happened because our phone accidentally got the ringer turned off... hahaha 

So thats all really for this week. I´ll have pictures for next time because we're going to have our four captain moronis be baptized on Saturday. hah.

and mom so i'm thinking one great way you can do your missionary work and its a great goal and one that our ward mission leader has that really has worked well is have FHE every monday and invite a family or a friend to come to it. this really will make a difference and if you do this i know you will see the blessings. And sometimes your can invite the missionaries and other times just the family and the visitor. but  that just something i've seen working in our branch down here. 

love you all lots and lots.

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