May 3, 2013

May 2nd

Hole mi Familia!!
Como estan? This week has been awesome but not super eventful I'll try and recall all that I can! :)

So on Friday we found out we would be getting new schedules and a new p-day- Thus why I'm writing on Thursday and not Wednesday. I also received the sweetest little package on Saturday and wanted to cry. It was the perfect pick me up and those shirts are AWESOME-they'll be great under stuff!!!

 Bahh- from the other emails you've heard I've gained weight since I've been here - not a joy, but whatever maybe i'll get worms in Costa Rica. hahaha

So on Sunday the new General YW President spoke to us in RS. She's awesome and she told us she was 25 with 3 kids and a 3 week old baby when her 29 yr old husband got called as a mission president in Sweden... crazy right! I was like that is only 6 years older than me!!!  She was really awesome and I got to meet her afterwards! I know we'll love having her in charge, along with her sweet councilors as well. So the temple walk we do on Sundays after class.  So this past Sunday the 4 of us sang "I know that my redeemer lives" It was in English and acapella. It sounded pretty great. People were crying and it was just a testament to me how powerful music is. I miss it alot. We don't get to hear anything ever unless we sing or there's a musical  number. But yeah everyone had a solo part in the song and everyone had a duet part and it was really amazing how strong the spirit was in that room. Then everyone bombarded us. I guess I'm a tad prideful about our singing, but i can't deny how awesome we all sounded together.

So we got a new teacher and my FAVORITE teacher isn't with us anymore. Blech no me gusta schedule changes. We leave in 12 days so that's way crazy and  I'm stoked. My spanish is actually coming along so well. Its so surprisiong. We played a game yesterday for HSI- which is Hablar Su Idioma.. which means Speak Your Language. And I had my district close their eyes and I pick someone to be the "nativo." the native. Then after that everyone opens their eyes and we are all trying to convice eachother we're the nativo. So we're speaking solomente espanol. Its so fun. It's amazing to see how much Spanish I actually know and how I can get by with using only like 10 English words a day. I know this will be nothing in Costa Rica but I'm just not gonna work and work my butt off here. So Far I feel really good about winning this game :)

So about another competition. I'm moving up and I'm literally switching with Hermann Starke every other day whose in first place for the most mail. So keep it up. I love it!! :))

Everyday gets a little bit brighter from the mail I receive - its so nice and I've gotten letters from Dayna  and Lindsay so that's cool.  Can someone go on my facebook and ask Janice my roommate what her home address is?  I have a letter but no address. Thanks!
So teaching is interesting, we have investigators that we teach every week and its been going well. I've been told I talk too much and don't let my companion talk enough, but she just doesn't talk a lot so I do. haha. I'm working on it though.  We're teaching Hector whose wife is a member but knows nothing about GOD or MORMONS or ANYTHING so that's been a struggle. And then there is Kambel- who never wants to get baptized and then FINALLY he decides he does and he wants to pay tithing and we're like we know no vocab about tithing, so we're just making it up as we go and his weird switch in the middle of the lesson to wanting to get baptized was just awesome yet random and we're thrown a bit and then hna Boer gives him the wrong scripture 2 Nephi 11:7 which was the scripture she prepared for HECTOR so it was just a super funny lesson this week. But its good we taught a lesson in TRC for 55 MINUTES! who knew we could do that. I didn't it was crazy. The lady was a super amazing volunteer with awesome stories and I want to be here best friend.  I love the volunteers here - they're great.

So Our roommates left for Alabama on Tuesday. So Wednesday we had the room all to ourselves. We invited our other hermanas over and pulled the mattresses onto the floor and had a SLEEPOVER. We followed the mission rules with lights out and quiet time but it was just amazingly fun. We said a combined prayer, all of us kinda popcorning adding our own thoughts to it before closing and its was a 30 minute prayer!! One of the most spiritual moments I've had here. 

I've grown so close to these 3 it'll be so weird to leave them.. I honestly hope I'm companions with Hermana Starke at some point in Costa Rica. 
I'm so stoked to get down there. The church is true. Some quotes from this week "He will do what you can't, if you do what you can." And read Alma 7. I prayed before I started personal study and prayed to know what would best help me teach Kambel and then just opened my scriptures and this is what I opened too.  I love it - absolutely love it and also Doctrine and Convents 103:36 I think. Oh and btw, I've memorized the first vision in Espanol and I've memorizxed my favorite scriptrue D&C 6:36- Elevad hacia mi todo pensamiento; No dudeis, no temais.
Christ is here for US, he LOVES US. So if we focus on him we honestly have no fears in our life. I honestly know this to be true and I can't wait to shout it out to everyone I met in Costa Rica. He LIVES! 

I'll write more but I have to head off to the temple now!!

hna coburn.

p.s. Stuart I could understand your WHOLE letter!!! :)  

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