March 19, 2014

March 3rd

Okay so this week we started out with an awesome lesson with someone named Fabricio. He started reading the book of mormon and the power of this book is working in him. He's awesome and he even came to church on Sunday and really liked it. I'm so happy for him. Hopefully we can put a fecha for his baptism really soon.

Then there's the baptism.  This week DAVID got baptized.  Unfortunately we had to put Marilyn's baptism offuntil next Sunday because her family was in town and they don't want her to get baptized. But it's going to be an amazing baptism for her. Marilyn has a disease so she is in a wheel chair and can't really use her hands but her disability is only physical and she is perfectly fine mentally. so I had this experience in sacrament meeting on Sunday.  Marilyn was in the back and I asked her to come up near me but unfortunately she didn't want to because she doesn't like people looking at her.  As the bread was being passed i noticed that she couldn't take it so again I motioned for her to come up by me and our other investigators. Then this beautiful daughter of God moved out of her comfort zone in the back and came up to sit by me as she wispered in my ear.. will you help me take the water then apologized that she didn't come up soon enough to take the bread. I felt the spirit so strong in this moment that I just wanted to cry. To see someone so pure that wants to do what is best leaving their comfort zone and coming up front to sit by me so she could receive the bread and water. It taught me alot. Sometimes we have to leave our comfort zone to receive what we really need.

Isamar. She is a beautiful daughter of God and she has been playing with our heart strings this week. Shes dropped us twice.. but finally on Sunday she came to church and stayed for the baptism and after the baptism she said... will you  tell me when my date is for my baptism because i cant wait any longer. It's true. It's all true. I just feel it.  This is so amazing because our church is a lot different then her previous beliefs and it is so different than how she was raised because she used to be Jehovah's Witness and now she's gonna be Mormon. hah.

Birthday Prank. So the Sanchez family, remember they are the family that pulled the prank on us about being a naked guy. Well, we went to their house because they wanted to give me a birthday dinner and so it was friday night and we decided to pull a prank back on them.  So what we did is, we frosted a milk carton like a cake.  After dinner when it's time for the cake she gets it out and is like... okay how many pieces are we going to need? And she tries to cut it for like 5 min. we are all just laughing and she finally says what did you make this cake out of... haha. and then we shoved icing in her face. haha.

Saturday i got a sweet breakfast from Hermana Sonia the owner of our apartment. Then we did a family history tutorial and then left on a bus for 2 hours to get to our  zone meeting.  We were there all day and I even got sung to by all the missionaries and then Hna Stroud gave me a rose and Hna Workman gave me a bag of candy. It was a great day.. and I got to eat at Wendy's.. that was a nice surprise!

David got BAPTIZED!! he is
 so spiriutal and so seriously amazing... it was so good because two other investigators were at the baptism and the spirit just couldnt be denied!

Oaky Well I love you all so much!
Thanks for the birthday loving!

Hna Coburn

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