March 19, 2014

March 17th

Okay so this was a week so fun and crazy. So to start off with I'm still super sick.. but now with a super bad cold that makes me have toi breath through my mouth at all moments. haha. my comp in every prayer asked the lord to bless my nose.. so that my boogies would clear out.. she literally said it like that.. hahah. it was funny.

So tuesday we had an all day multizone conference... and it was super fun. I found out that pres now has 4 assistants and that the work is just speeding up so much here in costa rica. We were taught some really incredible stuff by president and we were able to do some awesome practice exercises and learn about the basics. He talked to us about how we should focus on mastering the basics and how that will make us what we need to be..successful in life and in the mission. As he was talking I thought about a book or maybe it was just a quote that dad uses how the best people in the world really are only 1% better at something than everyone else. and so this week we've been focusing on the basics and let me tell you that it is working out so well. hah. we have been able to see lots of blessings through focusing on the basics. Then at the end of the conference, I got a few sweet presents from a few missionary friends for my birthday. I love the friends that I've been able to make here. They just make me so happy. I'm thinking i have to do a tour of central and south america so I can go and visit them alll... who's with me. hah.

So on tuesday Hna Workman left to go to Nicaragua and we got to do a trio with hna stroud. I laugh because we are like always comps yet we've never really been comps. i think we were made to be each other's  backup support. ya know someone who is there but not alwyas because then we might hate each other or something. haha. So we spent two days with her and i saw how the lord blessed us.  We were able to see miracles as we had to work in both areas at once. We saw two of her investigators get ready for baptism and then on wednesday our own little miracle.  We were planning on having a super spiritual lesson and using all our power and authority to get Fabrico baptized and as we walk up to his house he says.. Hey I've decided I would like to be baptized on the 23 if that's okay. hah. It was so amazing. we didn't even say a word.  Truly the Lord worked in a mysterious way.  Then we went and had divisions on thursday and saw some more miracles because we were able to work with the members. ha. i love members. its so much easier with them. But literally these two and a half days with Hna Stroud were just amazingly fun. We just have a blast together!

Something has happened this week and I just want to say that I know without a doubt that in thas church and only in this church, we have the power of God. We have the power to throw out demons and to heal the sick and to preach the gospel like it says in lucas 9:1-2 and marcos 3.13-15. I know that this power is real and that when it is used with faith and diginity on both parts that miracles happen that would not have otherwised happened.

Okay so backing up a bit. So our cook is awesome but her husband is inactive, he's still awesome though. I love chilling and chatting with him. So on Monday he told me that he wanted to lose weight.. i think its because he was seeing that I'm losing weight and that im just awesome.. hahahah and since his wife has seen pictures from before the mission he say that i was fit back then and anyways..  i was like well at 5:30 every morning I run in the staduim, but its a hard run-- you can come if you want. so he was like oh sure.. I'm sure it'll be fun. So he showed up on Wednesday and was like okay.. im ready and i was like its a little bit difficult do you run and he was like i think I'm in better shape than you.. okay now this made me a little bit angry. I think mom knows what happens when i get angry and im running. I just push my self like nothing else. So we start doing the 20 minute run and i am talking and running and he's not responding and im like whats wrong.. and hes like I can't breath i can't finish and I'm like come on you can do better than this remember.. youre in better shape than me. hahaha. it was so funny because after the second set he just stops and is hacking and trying to catch his breath. so i tell him he can go rest and do abs with my comp and i go and finish my run. hah. it was so great. because he now has a little respect and the most exciting part is he's been reading the book of mormon with us everynight. I love that i was able to win his respect thanks to my mom for helping me run when i was younger and for my dad too for always supporting me. So we made a deal that if he can't finish this run this week that he has to go to church on Sunday. So I'll keep you guys up on the progress of this bet that we've got going. hah. Hes a good guy but like everyone we have our problems. some are bigger than others and the biggest mistake is thinking that we can fix these problems on our own.  We can't!  So we need to go to chruch to recieve the help that we require.

Okay so Saturday we finished a fast at 12 and we didnt have lunch until 1:30 so we were like lets make popcorn but we dont have a microwave just a microwave oven... I'm like, i think it should work and we put in the popcorn and turn it one... And its going great... until it starts exploding and growing and the bag then gets so big it touches the top and I get up and Im like hna .... hna .... HNA!! and we look and we see a fire... and its growing my comp opens the door and is like wait ill blow it out.. im the boyscout as she trys to blow and her blowing only makes it grow. I pull her back, unplug the oven and throw a glass of water on the fire.. and whew.. it goes out. hah. What made it so funny is that earlier that day our District Leader told us we were Echando Fuego. or Making Fire.. and i was like.. well compy it's true. we are literally making fire now. haha.

Okay so Sunday I dont know how but as we have opened our mouth and talked to everyone we have been able to consistently have 8-10 people at church every sunday and new people too!  So this sunday was an amazing conference and it was super awesome and we were able to have the baptism of Isamar. I was so excited! She was so happy and the other hans were able to have two baptisms too!!  I was so proud of how the work is growing and then during the baptism a young joven investigator that has listened to the lessons before leans over to me and says.. can i be baptized next weekk. i was like yes, of course. It was amazing. and so for this next week we have Harvin that kid I just told you about and Fabricio. I am so pumped!!!

But as missionaries even though I'm happy, I'm not satisfied. So my comp and I were talking about how we aren't satisfied with the work yet, expeically after hearing the our mission president baptized 18 people one Sunday.  So  I looked at my comp and she's just as competitive as me and she said. Can we start fasting and praying and working our hearts out to baptize 18 people on Christ's birthday the 6th of April. So that is our new goal .. right now we have 6 people planned for that day.. and i know that the Lord will help the other people that are ready and prepared be baptized that day too. It's a CRAZY goal.. and it's not that realistic but we have the faith and we are working with all our heart and mind and strength so I know we will meet our goal. Like it says in Moroni 7:33. whatever  we ask in faith, that is right, will be done.

I love you all!  I love the joy that I can share with all the people in San Carlos. I am grateful for a companion that is SO amazing and SO great and so just like me. hah. I love the Lord and I am grateful for his Sacrifice and his Resurecction that not only means we can rise up after death but that we can rise up from any hardship or trial through his power and faith on his name.

Love you all! Thanks for all the Love and Support.

"You are the captian of your Life, and God has prepared a plan to bring you safetly back to him to your divine Destination." Pres Uchtdorf.. Live your life so that you can reach that divine destination that is to live with your heavenly father, his son , and your family for all the eternity.

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