September 11, 2013

week of crazy

Okay so lets start out.. my companion Hna Ogletree had to leave on Wednesday to go to Panama because she's illegal.  So she left right after a district meeting and went with a sister for the other area. Then the other sister's companion stayed with me and Hna Alvarado. This was the most trying and stretching and best week ever because I was the senior companion - I was the trainer. I had to be the one to make the tough decisions and to start the lessons and to do the small talk and stuff like that. I was the Leader and I was terrified at first, but of course I didn't let anyone know I was scared because as soon as the first lesson started I felt so much comfort and I just talked. It was so weird. My Spanish some how improved at ton and I was able to teach with ease and love and clarity. I am not the best teacher at all but I saw an improvement times ten. I was able to really feel the spirit and the lord giving me the power to lead lessons and to do the work I was sent to do. We were able to get alot done in the three days I was senior companion and I want to testify that the Lord really does qualify those whom he calls and I know that if he gives you a commandment or an assignment or a calling, you just get going and hit the road running and then he'll push you so you can make it to the end. 

As we were working we were able to find 2 families. This is huge because I have been praying for families to teach because that's where there is the most happiness and that's where I want to help and to effect and really that's been one of my goals - to baptize and help a family enter into the kingdom of God. So that was definitely a tender mercy and blessing of the lord. 

Do ya'll remember Maria. We taught her for like 5 months and she came to church but just didn't want to get baptized... well she told me she wants to be baptized in the next month or so.  She said she's finally got her life in order and wants to get baptized!! 

Finally we got our companion back and I was able to give her the good news that we were going to meet our goal this week. We've had the goal of getting 40 lessons a week for like two months now and FINALLY I told her we were going to reach it. We had our baptism of my baby Cristian on Saturday and it was so good. He's such a good guy and he's really just a punk but super awesome. I am so glad he got baptized because he was one of the people I know I was meant to find. And his baptism was super bonito. I was able to sing "I'll go where you want me to go" Melinda Talley version and it was really good. I love singing it and I felt the message and the spirit effect me more than anything. I know the Lord puts us in places for a reason and all he asks is for us to do his will. He knows better then us in all things. He knows what is for our good and so why not do anything he asks and right when he asks. 

After the baptism we went to Michele's house and gave her a blessing because she could pop at any moment. This was such a testimony of the priesthood and was just so spiritual because she doesn't know what she's having. She hasn't been to the doctor to find out and when Elder Alverez was giving the blessing he talked all about her daughter and how she would grow up to be and what she would need and I just want to testify how the priesthood is the power of God and we are the only church that has this priesthood authority. We have the authority to give blessings and that these blessings are the words of our Heavenly Father. It was so amazing and so beautiful.

Okay so Sunday... Sunday was a day of roller coaster emotions. So at like 7:45 we get a phone call from Josue, our 11 yr old investigator (his brother is Ernesto who we baptized a few weeks ago) who is amazing and just perfect and funny and I love this kid and he calls and says he wants out and that he doesn't want to come to church and he doesn't want to get baptized (his date was set for this Friday) and I literally felt nauseated and sick to my stomach and i just wanted to cry. We asked why and he just said I want out and that was that. So I'm going to church with just a pit in my stomach and then we got there and one of the families we found showed up and I was so excited! and then Hna Johnson (one of the new gringo families) brought us banana bread another treat! and then as we walked out William (who is the best person in the world always serving and always working with us and just amazing) and Hno Hidalgo our ward mission leader gave me and Hna Ogletree a present they made us with our phrase we always say atahihish. which is hebrew for you're the man. and we always say it to them. and so that was just the best. I've never had someone do something like that for me. and then after church which was super awesome we went and had soup at Mayelas house a menos activo.... this was soup of COW INTESTINE! and so not only did I have to eat sick gross cow intestine but i had to eat and drink the juice of cow intestine. The only way i can think to explain it is it's kinda like the texture of a slug... hahah. super super gross and I almost died and threw up. Then after we went and talked to Josue and turns out he's fine and back on track for baptism. He said he just had a lot of embarrassment for people to  come to his bpaitsm but he should be getting baptized on the 17th so that was super good news. And then we went and taught Liz Melanie and Kendry. They're getting baptized this friday and we taught about diezmo and dia de reposo and we taught it with a story and they were like oh my gosh Hna Coburn you have prince charming in the church I know you do I just can 't think what he looks like. hah. Then they described him and it's the gringo elder in our ward. hahahah. it was so funny. they said its because i talk to him alot. hah. they're so cute I cant wait for their baptism. 

Today we went on a bikeride and went hiking with our bff William. It was so fun and I thought about dad the whole time! It was super hard because we just picked a place and went. There was no trail and we basically climbed straight up through mud and trees and it was just a blast.

This week i went into an indepth study of Alma 47 with the story of Lehonti and really all it is is a description of how the devil works. He tries once, twice,three, four times to get you to come down from the safety of the Lord. This is like when you are reading and praying and then he puts obstacles and the first time you're like no I'll  still read my scrips tonight and then the second time youre like noIi'll still read tonight but then the next time something comes up you get down and forget or get to busy to read and then once you're  down he poisons you little by little.. poco a poco. until you're dead.... well not really dead but you become numb to the promptings of the spirit.  Anyway I thought it cool. I love the war chapters because since my mission I've been really able to apply them to my life. 


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