June 18, 2013

My spanish increased leaps and bounds

Holaa familia!! 

Okay so monday- I bought bright yellow keds for $4. Still got my cheap shopping genes. 

Tuesday- We went over to our sweet Dilian and Yara and taught them, and learned how to make Arroz con Leche. Its kinda like rice pudding but ten times more amazing. It was rico rico rico. I can´t wait to make it for yall. And we made it with fresh coconut shavings. mmmm. its weird I used to hate coconut and now its like my favorite thing in the world. So we had a really awesome experience with our golden investigator Ingrid. She lives across the sketchy bridge and she´s awesome, she really is feeling the Holy Ghost testify to her that the message we bring is one of truth. Then we taught Louisa- Louisa is a little old lady and is amazing. well this night  we taught about the importance of baptism, because she feels baptism is great because she needs to be cleansed from her sins since she´s old and gonna die soon.. but she didn´t understand that its really a covenant so we´ve been really working on letting her know there's more to baptism then just becoming cleansed from sins. So Alexander--He is 21 and sharing the gospel with everyone and I love that kid. This lesson he brought over his mom. So she could feel the joy and learn from us too. It was cool to see that he wanted to share the gospel because he´s been feeling the difference in his life and wants other to feel it too. But all in all an awesome day.

Wednesday- Well y'all can be proud today I taught a lesson. And by this I mean, I lead it and directed it and was able to explain and enseñar and really testificar to our investigator. This was the first lesson I felt like I have really participated and led and i really felt the spirit guiding me. So I don´t know if yall remember but last week I told you about a golden investigator Gilmer.. Well this night we went over to Gilmer's to teach him and he wasn't there but his mom and his little sister were there. So we´re teaching them and we have a member over there with us and we´re teaching the first lesson and the spirit is like amazingly strong. you can cut it with butter. Well anyway, we teach this lesson and have our member bare his testimony and its awesome, really just one amazing lesson and hna olgetree goes to desifiar and invitar the mom,Heylen, to be baptized and Heylen says.. no i´ve already been baptized. So we thought oh this is the problem we always have they don't understand the apostasy and the authority and poder de Dios para actuar en su nombre so we are like great... so hna ogletree kinda smartalik but with love says, In what church and by what authority. and Heylen looks at us and says with your church with a missionary.... andwe´re like oh........ haha. bien hecho. so the house really was meant for us because we were meant to find this inactive forgotten member of 13 yrs and to find her sons para auydarles a vivir juntos para siempre. so that was way neat. and way weird!! 

Thursday- We did splits today and we got a lot of work done. The most awesome thing that happened today was that I got to teach with hna O. a less active member Lourdis. Lourdis went on a mission and is amazing, and has a beautiful family but she´s gone through a lot and so she´s fallen away a little bit. Well.. she´s done a 180 in these past few weeks. She's changed her attitude and she finally came to sacrement meeting the Sunday before this Sunday and she´s talking to us more openly. She´s so knowledgeable in the church and so we decided to just read from the libro de mormón together. She´s trying to learn english so the last time we left her an english version of el libro de mormón. She's been reading it, so me and hna o read the verses in Spanish and made her read in English. It was really neat because we were all learning and progressing together in a language while learning the principles of the gospel. 

Friday- So we went over and saw Yara and Diliana and taught them about what to expect for tomorrow and they´re so so so giddy. Diliana is stoked because a cute Justin Bieber gringo gets to baptize her. hah. And after we talked with them (and ate more arroz con leche) The elders asked us to stop by a members house who have a 19yr daughter that isn´t a member and to try and talk to her. because Yara and Diliana and this girl are in their area. so we went over there and I have ya know aweful spanish but i just go for it and try and be the friendliest person that I know I can be and push through. So we invited her to the baptism and the ward activity after the baptism. 

Saturday- So today's the DAY!! So today we had weekly planning and then had to fill up the font so we didn't have many lessons. But during Weekly planning I got one of the best compliments ever! Hna Olgetree and Hna Bojorque told me that I was like a normal missionary and that my spanish was improving leaps and bounds.  so We got the baptism all ready and all nice and stuff. Me and hna Bojorque were singing I know that my redeemer lives in spanish in parts and solos and stuff. it was really smart of me because i´ve sang at the last three and so she wanted to help so i just gave her melody and harmonized off of her. and it was good and everyone loved it. The baptism was amazing! These girls were so happy and giddy and after they just kept saying how clean they feel and how amazing this is and the spirit was really strong. after the amazing baptism, we had a fathers day activity. The gringo family Spaulding are amazing! they made some nice american style mexican dips and then amazing american desserts. then we had the typical rice and beans and chicken for the main dish. we did fun activities and had a lot of people show up. Gansy the non-menber 19yr old showed up and it was awesome! She came up to me and asked for a picture so she could put it on her facebook. who knew  i was gonna get baptisms because i´m a gringo. hahah. but it was great to start a relationship with her. It truly was a beautiful day! 

Sunday- So we called so many people to remind them about church and a few had excuses and said they couldn´t come. sad so we passed by people and one little boy 16 yrs old chuma was awake and said he´d come with us  and then Gilmer and his brother Alejandro came with us too. So when we got there the church was ehh okay full... but then sacrament meeting started and in walked Gansy and her family and then walked in Alex and the less-active Mygela and then walked Lourdis and her family and the Chapel was filling up so FAST! we had 96 people there and only 9 were gringo visitors! It was a miracle to have 6 investigators and 4 families of less actives. After the amazing day at church we taught Heylen and we found out shes started smoking so we´ve been working with her to stop that. and alexander is totally ready for his baptism except he´s addicted to coffee so we´ve been working on that and really testifying of the power of the atonement and the faith in christ to fulfil all of Gods commandments. but really it was just the most beautiful weekend EVER.

so I know that Lords been blessing me. My spanish improved so much this week, understanding and speaking ability has jumped and it wasn´t because i just prayed and hoped it would change but i have been working my butt off and he´s just helping speed up the process and help me and guide me. all three of us have been getting up at 5:30 to give us an extra hour of language study. I get up and I read the book of mormon in spanish. I have seen the blessings and I can´t even explain how grateful I am for the experiences i´ve been having here. I am so full of joy and love for the Lord, this gospel and this work. 

Looooveee lots and lots.

hna coburn

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