May 2, 2013

April 24th

Hi so my time on my clock says 20 mins. so this might end up being shorter than expected. I actually have 50 minutes but it lies and shuts off after 30. I loved the emails and hearing about your lives. I love the dear elders you guys send. Mail is really a blessing and I can't say it enough. Getting even the littlest thing makes me so happy. I am in 2nd place for getting the most mail in my district. haha. so that is pretty cool. Its because y'all are the best and I love you so much for that!! I got the package and it really made my day. I used the candy and gave it to the 4 new roommates we got that day. And then I gave some to our teacher for his birthday! What a great surprise. I decided that I'm gaining weight here... but its okay because who knows what will happen in Costa Rica. haha. I can't help that the cookies and BYU ice cream are just the BEST. Okay I'm glad Griff found his present and liked it. He looks great and so does Hallie. I'm also glad that the dieting is going well and the new kitchen stuff too!! How much longer for school? 3 weeks? I can't believe yall will be right outside the fence.... I just want you to see me but I know that probably won't happen. The missionary field opened yesterday and I LOVE IT! I have missed the sun and running and being outdoors. I normally play catch with a Frisbee . ultimate Frisbee is illegal.... ughhhh. 

Okay so story time.

Friday night we were going to teach Kambel and I was super pumped and then it was awful, not really but kinda. So like one of the teachers was observing the lesson. And then my companion got her feelings hurt because I talk too much and I realized I really do have a problem not being the one in control. I need to trust my companion more and to trust the Lord. The spirit wasn't really in the lesson and I just wanted to cry. Then after the teacher talked to us and said that he thinks we should interact more with the investigator and that the doctrine and Spanish was great, except it was boring to just hear one person talk. So that night I really prayed and told H.F. how I was feeling. I told Him how I didn't know how to let go of my control and how scared I was to not know exactly how the lesson was going to go.  I really just didn't know how I was going to fix this. I mean, its not a one time thing, I'm just born and raised a control freak. haha. So then the next day Brother May decided that he wanted to give a quick little lesson on HOPE and he read from PMG and how it was all about putting trust in the Lord and having hope that he will fulfill his promises. So that night when we were teaching Rueben. I  had been praying all day and I decided we needed to change up how we were doing the lesson plans. We decided to work on having inspired questions and learning vocab rather than memorizing phrases. This lesson was amazing!  The spirit was so strong and Hna Boer and I literally had the gifts of tongues. We asked open ended questions and yet were still able to understand him and give him responses even though we hadn't prepared for the direction the conversation was heading. He promised to come to church with us and it was so great!   We came out so full of joy and love and it was the best lesson yet. The church is true. The lord will help you, in ALL things just trust in him. So that's the most exciting things from this week! um scriptures to read- Read Mosiah 2,3,4,5 and focus on how King Benjamin is talking about the Repentance process. It is amazing!

Sorry that I haven't had time to write you a letter but I'm doing that today. CONGRATS TO LINDSEY AND HER BABY!!

Okay so Saturday- GREAT DAY! so we played lighting or knockout with the basketballs..... both elders and sisters and I was actually good and ended up WINNING... what the heck right.. little 5'3 me won knockout... highlight of my life. hahah.

Then that night one of the elders gave me a bowl of nasty orange spicy weird dressing trying to be funny and so hna boer put some chocolate frosting in it, mixed it up and dared me to eat it. She told me that she would give me $10 if I could finish it all.. so while everyone in our zone was freaking out and saying NO DON'T DO IT! I did.. I ate it all.  They were gagging and making faces and totally grossed out but I finished all three huge bites and won $10 - totally worth it. hah. I love my district we are so funny.  And STUART one of your friends from your mission taught me, Elder Clarke... he's tall and has glasses and is super cute.. hook me up..... hahah but really.
So Sunday night devotional - was the BYU Mens chorus. and me and hna Boer snuck to the front of the line and got some great seats and I look up and there i see HANNAH SULTAN and I'm like what is she doing here. So then I just yell her name and run up and hug her and it was so nice to see someone I knew. Her roommate was playing the cello for the choir. Then I saw some friends from college in choir and got to talk to them. So so nice. I love the tender mercy of The Lord.
Les Amo Mucho!!

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