March 31, 2013

It's Official

Last Sunday I had my farewell talk in my home ward.  This Sunday I gave my farewell talk in my Single's Ward.  Both times were a great experience.  I am really glad I had the opportunity to bare my testimony of Jesus Christ and to share my excitement about leaving for my mission.  With it being Easter Sunday we were able to get together with my extended family here in the area and celebrate this gift from our Savior with a glorious meal and of course an egg hunt for the little ones and plenty of photos.  It was crazy actually saying goodbye to everyone when I left. I was set apart this evening and I will be heading out to Utah tomorrow as an official missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.  That means no more phone, facebook, TV, and music.  It's going to be hard but so worth it.  I will enter the Missionary Training Center this Wednesday and again am so excited and ready.
Can't wait to see how these two change!

Nothing gets crazier than my family

Some of my cute cousins (the girls at least)

Sweet grandpa was there for my setting apart.

Tessa was a hoot during the egg hunt.

My friends that came to support me and hear me speak last week.

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